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Karr, A. F., J. Lee, and A. P. Sanil. Workshop Report: Workshop on Statistics and Information Technology. National Institute of Statiatical Sciences, 2001.
Karr, A. F., A. P. Sanil, J. Sacks, and A. Elmagarmid. Workshop Report: Affiliates Workshop on Data Quality. National Institute of Statistical Sciences, 2001.
Karr, A. F., A. P. Sanil, J. Sacks, and A. Elmagarmid. Workshop Report: Affiliates Workshop on Data Quality. National Institute of Statistical Sciences, 2001.
Sen, Ashish, Paul Metaxatos, Siim Sööt, and Vonu Thakuriah. "Welfare reform and spatial matching between clients and jobs." Papers in Regional Science 78 (1999): 195-211.
Sen, Ashish, Paul Metaxatos, Siim Sööt, and Vonu Thakuriah. "Welfare reform and spatial matching between clients and jobs." Papers in Regional Science 78 (1999): 195-211.
Karr, Alan F., and Ashish P. Sanil. "Web-Based Systems that Disseminate Information but Protect Confidential Data." In Advances in Digital Government. Kluwer, Amserdam. Kluwer, 2001.
Eick, Stephen G., Paul Schuster, Audris Mockus, Todd L. Graves, and Alan F. Karr. "Visualizing Software Changes." INTERACTIONS 17 (2002): 29-31.
Karr, A. F., A. Sen, P. Thakuriah, and X. Zhu. "Variances of link travel time estimates: Implications for optimal routes." International Transactions in Operational Research 6 (1999): 75-87.
Xia, J., N. Sedransk, and X. Feng. "Variance Component Analysis of a Multi-Site Study of Multiple Reaction Monitoring Measurements of Peptides and Proteins in Human Plasma." PLoS1 6 (2011): e14590.
Karr, A. F., T.L. Graves, A. Mockus, and P. Schuster. "Variability of travel times on arterial streets: effects of signals and volume." Transportation Research Record C 10 (2002): 000.
Metaxatos, Paul, Siim Sööt, Piyushimita Thakuriah, and Ashish Sen. "Transportation Planning Process for Linking Welfare Recipients to Jobs." In Transportation Research Record 1626 (1998): 149-158.
Metaxatos, Paul, Siim Sööt, Piyushimita Thakuriah, and Ashish Sen. "Transportation Planning Process for Linking Welfare Recipients to Jobs." In Transportation Research Record 1626 (1998): 149-158.
Park, B., N. M. Rouphail, and J. Sacks. Traffic Signal Offset Optimization Using Microscopic Simulation Program with Stochastic Process Model In American Society of Civil Engineers., 2000.
Karr, A. F., and A. P. Sanil. Title IX Data Collection: Technical Manual for Developing the User’s Guide. National Institute of Statistical Sciences, 2005.
Haran, Murali, Alan Karr, Michael Last, Alessandro Orso, Adam A. Porter, Ashish Sanil, and Sandro Fouché. "Techniques for classifying executions of deployed software to support software engineering tasks." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 33 (2007): 287-304.
Sedransk, N. Task Force Report on Computer Adaptive Testing. National Center for Education Statistics, 2009.
Karr, Alan F., Adrian Dobra, and Ashish P. Sanil. "Table servers protect confidentiality in tabular data releases." Comm. ACM 46 (2003): 57-58.
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Pauley, L., J. Kulikowich, N. Sedransk, and R. Engel. "Studying the Reliability and Validity of Test Scores for Mathematical and Spatial Reasoning Tasks for Engineering Students." In Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education., 2011.
Sedransk, N., and A. Rukhin. "Statistics in metrology: International key comparisons and interlaboratory studies." Journal of Data Science 5 (2007): 393-412.
Sacks, Jerome, Nagui M. Rouphail, Brian B. Park, and Piyushimita Thakuriah. "Statistically-Based Validation of Computer Simulation Models in Traffic Operations and Management." Journal of Transportation and Statistics 5 (2002).
Karr, A. F., S.S. Jaiswal, J.D. Picka, T. Igusa, S. P. Shah, B.E. Ankenman, and P. Styer. "Statistical studies of the conductivity of concrete using ASTM C1202?94." Concrete Science and Engineering 2 (2000): 97-105.
Karr, A. F., S.S. Jaiswal, J.D. Picka, T. Igusa, S. P. Shah, B.E. Ankenman, and P. Styer. "Statistical studies of the conductivity of concrete using ASTM C1202?94." Concrete Science and Engineering 2 (2000): 97-105.
Sedransk, N. "A statistical meteorologist looks at computational system models." In Proceedings of 2004 Workshop on Verification & Validation of Computer Models of High-consequence Engineering Systems., 2005.
KS, Remlinger, Hughes-Oliver JM, Young SS, and Lam RL. "Statistical design of pools using optimal coverage and minimal collision." Technom 48 (2006): 133-143.
Sedransk, N. "Statistical Careers in US Government Science Agencies." Journal of Official Statistics 26 (2010): 443-453.
Zhang, N.-F., W. Strawderman, H.-k. Liu, and N. Sedransk. "Statistical analysis for multiple artifact problem in key comparisons with linear trends." Metrologia 43 (2006): 21-26.
Zhang, N.-F., W. Strawderman, H.-k. Liu, and N. Sedransk. "Statistical analysis for multiple artifact problem in key comparisons with linear trends." Metrologia 43 (2006): 21-26.
Sartore, L., P. Fabbri, and C. Gaetan. "spMC: an R-package for 3D Lithological Reconstructions Based on Spatial Markov Chains." Computers and Geosciences 94 (2016).
Dobra, Adrian, Alan F. Karr, Ashish P. Sanil, and Stephen E. Fienberg. "Software Systems for Tabular Data Releases." Int. Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge Based Systems 10 (2002): 529-544.
Banks, H. T., H. K. Nguyen, J. R. Samuels, Jr., and A. F. Karr. "Sensitivity to noise variance in a social network dynamics model." Q. Applied Mathematics 66 (2008): 233-247.
Karr, Alan F., Xiaodong Lin, Ashish P. Sanil, and Jerome P. Reiter. "Secure statistical analysis of distributed databases using partially trusted third parties. Manuscript in preparation." In In Statistical Methods in Counterterrorism: Game Theory, Modeling, Syndromic Surveillance, and Biometric Authentication, edited by D. Olwell, A. G.Wilson and G. Wilson. New York: Springer–Verlag, 2005.
Karr, Alan F., Alan F. Karr, Xiaodong Lin, Xiaodong Lin, Ashish P. Sanil, Ashish P. Sanil, Jerome P. Reiter, and Jerome P. Reiter. "Secure Regression on Distributed Databases." J. Computational and Graphical Statist 14 (2005): 263-279.
Karr, Alan F., Alan F. Karr, Xiaodong Lin, Xiaodong Lin, Ashish P. Sanil, Ashish P. Sanil, Jerome P. Reiter, and Jerome P. Reiter. "Secure Regression on Distributed Databases." J. Computational and Graphical Statist 14 (2005): 263-279.
Karr, A. F., C. N. Kohnen, X. Lin, J. P. Reiter, and A. P. Sanil. "Secure regression for vertically partitioned, partially overlapping data." In ASA Proceedings 2004., 2004.
Karr, A. F., S. E. Fienberg, Y. Nardi, and A. Slavkovic. "Secure logistic regression with distributed databases." In Bulletin of International Statistics Institute., 2007.
Karr, Alan F., Jun Feng, Xiaodong Lin, Ashish P. Sanil, Stanley S. Young, and Jerome P. Reiter. "Secure analysis of distributed chemical databases without data integration." J. Computer-Aided Molecular Design 19 (2005): 739-747.
Xie, Minge, Douglas G. Simpson, and Raymond J. Carroll. "Scaled Link Functions for Heterogeneous Ordinal Response Data*." In Modelling Longitudinal and Spatially Correlated Data, edited by Timothy G. Gregoire, David R. Brillinger, PeterJ. Diggle, Estelle Russek-Cohen, William G. Warren and Russell D. Wolfinger, 23-36. Vol. 122. Lecture Notes in Statistics 122. Springer New York, 1997.
SH, Jung, Bang H, and Young SS. "Sample size calculation for multiple testing in microarray data analysis." Biostatistics 6 (2005): 157-169.
SH, Jung, Bang H, and Young SS. "Sample size calculation for multiple testing in microarray data analysis." Biostatistics 6 (2005): 157-169.
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Sartore, L., H. Benecha, K. Toppin, and C. Spiegelman. Restricted Multinomial Regression for a Triple-System Estimation with List Dependence In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Sartore, L., H. Benecha, K. Toppin, and C. Spiegelman. Restricted Multinomial Regression for a Triple-System Estimation with List Dependence In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Karr, A. F., X. Lin, J. P. Reiter, and A. P. Sanil. "Regression on distributed databases via secure multi-party computation." In Proc. dg.o 2004, National Conference on Digital Government Research, 405-406., 2004.
SMITH, RICHARD L., J.M. Davis, Jerome Sacks, Paul Speckman, and P. Styer. "Regression models for air pollution and daily mortality: analysis of data from Birmingham, Alabama." Environmetrics 11 (2000): 719-743.
SMITH, RICHARD L., J.M. Davis, Jerome Sacks, Paul Speckman, and P. Styer. "Regression models for air pollution and daily mortality: analysis of data from Birmingham, Alabama." Environmetrics 11 (2000): 719-743.
SMITH, RICHARD L., J.M. Davis, Jerome Sacks, Paul Speckman, and P. Styer. "Regression models for air pollution and daily mortality: analysis of data from Birmingham, Alabama." Environmetrics 11 (2000): 719-743.
SMITH, RICHARD L., J.M. Davis, Jerome Sacks, Paul Speckman, and P. Styer. "Regression models for air pollution and daily mortality: analysis of data from Birmingham, Alabama." Environmetrics 11 (2000): 719-743.
