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The effect of statistical disclosure limitation on parameter estimation for a finite population." J. Survey Statistics and Methodology to appear (Submitted): to appear.
"Estimated Covariance Matrices Associated with Calibration In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Estimation of Capture Probabilities by Accounting for Sample Designs In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Evaluation of a New Approach for Estimating the Number of U.S. Farms In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Evaluating Record Linkage Software for Agricultural Surveys." JSM Proceedings. Survey Research Methods Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. (2016).
"Enabling statistical analysis of suppressed tabular data, in Privacy in Statistical Databases." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1-10. Vol. 8744. Heidelberg: Springer, 2014.
"Evaluation of unmixing methods for the separation of Quantum Dot sources." In Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, 2009. WHISPERS ’09. First Workshop on, 1-4., 2009.
"Estimation of propensity scores using generalized additive models." Statisics in Medicine 27 (2008): 3806-3816.
"Exploration of cluster structure-activity relationship analysis in efficient high-throughput screening." Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 47 (2007): 1206-1214.
"Exploring blood spectra for signs of ovarian cancer." Chance 16 (2003): 19-23.
"Experimental designs for estimating a response surface and variance components." Technometrics 44 (2002): 45-54.
"Estimation of water flow through cracked concrete under load." ACI Materials Journal 97 (2000): 567?575.
"Experimental and statistical study of chloride permeability of cracked high strength concrete." ASTM Cement, Concrete and Aggregates 22 (2000): 000.
"Effect of cracking on water and chloride permeability of concrete." ACSE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 11 (1999): 181?187.
"Effect of microcracking on durability of high strength concrete." Transportation Research Record 1668 (1999): 86-90.
"Estimation of Demand due to Welfare Reform." In Papers in Regional Science 78 (1999): 195-211.
"An Empirical Study of Regression Test Selection Techniques." In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Software Engineering, 188-197. ICSE ’98. Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 1998.
"Estimation of static travel times in a dynamic route guidance system—II." Mathematical and Computer Modelling 27 (1998): 67-85.
"An empirical exploration of code evolution." In Proceedings of the InternationalWorkshop on Empirical Studies of Software Maintenance., 1996.
"Effect of outdoor airborne particulate matter on daily death count." Environmental Health Perspectives 103 (1995): 490-497.
"Estimation of Static Travel Times in a Dynamic Route Guidance System." Mathematical and Computer Modelling 22 (1995): 83-101.