Travel Reimbursement Forms & Policies

Reimbursement Forms and Process


For Affiliates Award Fund Travel Reimbursement Policy and Instructions,

1.  Download and complete the form (link on next line) to request reimbursement for authorized expenditures that are associated with the Affiliate Award Fund or other NISS reimbursable expenses.

Expense Form (.xls)

2.  No reimbursements can be made prior to the event. Reimbursements can only be made after the event is completely over. No international flights and only the lowest cost seats can be reimbursed (not Business/1st Class). (see per diem link below)

3.  Print out the completed pages and be sure to sign the bottom right corner of the expense report - reimbursement cannot be accepted without a signature!

4.  Reimbursements must be approved by the Primary Liaison at your institution. Include this as part of your completed report. When possible, please include all receipts for expenses you are claiming.

5.  Scan the completed, signed and approved form and include as an email attachment to

           6.  NISS follows the U.S. Government PER DIEM Regulations.

Please Note: Support for travel and registration to attend all NISS sponsored or co-sponsored conferences, workshops and short courses, all CANSSI events and all statistical conferences at the North American mathematical and statistical institutes is available for reimbursement. Some professional society meetings that NISS sponsors, notably CSP, ENAR / WNAR, SDSS and WSDS, are also eligible (JSM, SIAM, and IMS, are not eligible). Caps for meals are determined by NISS (following the govt per diem rules) to maximum reimbursement to be Breakfast = $15, Lunch = $17, and Dinner = $30. 

NISS Employees Only - Travel Request Form     PDF Version     Word Version

Refund Policy

No course registration refunds are available after seven days prior to the course date.  (Please see the event page for details).

In general, a processing fee will be deducted from the amount refunded.