any A, Brooks A, Sanil A., Troiab Gary A.L., Erciulescu Abbatiello, Susan Abbatiello, S. Abernethy, J. Abowd, JM Abreu, D. Abt, Markus Achorn, D. L. Addona, T AG, Paulovich Aïtcin, P. C. Alan, Karr Albetolle, M. Aldea, C.-M. Allen, S. Allen, S Anderson, Leigh Anderson, Edwin Ankenman, B.E. Ankenman, Bruce E Ankenman, Bruce Apweiler, Rolf Aslett, Robert B., Nandram Badilla, W. Banks, D. L. Banks, David L. Banks, David Banks, David Banks, H. T. Bar-Gera, H. Bar-Gera, Hillel Barboza, Wendy Battle, D. Bayarri, M.J. Beckmann, Martin J. Bell, R. Bellow, Michael E. Bender, S. Benecha, H. Berger, J. Bhat, Chandra R. Billeaud, Kathleen Bloomfield, Peter Borchers, CH Bowman, K.P. Boyce, D. E. Boyce, David Boyce, David E. Brandt, L. Brillinger, David R. Buck, Robert J. Buck, C Bunk, D. M. Burgess, M. Burlingame, C. BW, Gibson C, Whitwell C, Loghin C, Benson Cafeo, J. Carlin, Bradley P. Carlson, Richard W. Carr, Stephan A. Carr, SA Carrillo, I. A. Carroll, Raymond J. Carroll, Raymond Cavendish, J. CH, Borchers Chambers, M. C. Chapman, W.L. Chen, Cynthia Chen, H. Chen, Hsinchun Cheng, C. Chermakani, Karthik Chipman, H.A. Christopher, Ed J. Clarke, Jennifer Pittman Clyde, M. CM, Beasley Cohen, M. P. Coiro, J. Condie, Helen Corina–Maria, Julie Rapoport Cox, Dennis D. Cox, Lawrence H. Cox, L. H. Cruze, Nathan Cruze, Nathan B. Cui, W. Curran, James Cusack, M.P. Cusack, MP D, Smith Datta, G. S. Datta, G. Datta, Gauri Davis, J Davis, J.M. Davis, Lori A. Dawes, S. DC, Liebler de Leeuw, Jan Delagrave, Y. Diggle, PeterJ. DM, Hawkins Dobra, A. Dobra, Adrian Dobra, A. Dodder, NG Domingo–Ferrer, J. DuMouchel, William Duncan, George T. Duvall, Steven G. E, Kuhn E., Berg Eick, Stephen G. Eick, S. G. Eick, G. Elliott, M. R. Elmagarmid, A. Elmagarmid, E. Emmerink, R. Engel, R. ENSOR, KATHERINE B. Erciulescu, Andreea L. Erosheva, E. A. F, Karr Alan F, Gu Fabbri, P. Faulbaum, F. FE, Regnier Feng, J. Feng, Jun Feng, X. Ferreira, M. A. R. Ferrell, R. Fienberg, S. E. Fienberg, S.E. Fienberg, Stephen E. Fisher, SJ Fisher, Susan J. Fleming, A. Fogel, P. Forzani, E. Fouché, Sandro Franconi, L. Friedl, F. Fulp, WJ G., Olinghouse N. G., Olinghouse N. G.Wilson, A. Gaetan, C. Gambrell, L.B. Gambrell, L. Ganor, Boaz Gao, F Gao, Feng Garcia-Donato, G. Gatsonis, Constantine Ghandehari, M. Ghosh, M Ghosh, J. Gibson, BW Gobinet, C. Gomatam, Shanti Gomatam, S. Gonzalez, J. F. Gosh, M Gough, William A. Graham, Jinko Grannis, S. Graves, Todd L. Graves, T.L. Gregg, V. Gregoire, Timothy G. Gundertofte, Klaus Gunning, P. GW, Howell H, Haber H, Bang H, Rodriguez Haitovsky, Yoel Hall, SC Hall, S.C. Haran, M. Haran, Murali Harrold, Mary Jean Hawkins, D.M. Hawkins, L. He, Z. Heaton, M. J. Heaton, Matthew J. Hedrick, V Hedrick, V Held, JM Held, J.M. Hengartner, N. Hernandez, J. Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. Higdon, D. Hillygus, D.C. Hiltke, Tara Hodges, JamesS. Holan, S. H. Holloman, Christopher Hovy, E. Huang, Li-Shan Igusa, T. Inerowicz, HD Inerowicz, H.D. Isukapati, Isaac Kumar J., Feng Jackson, A. Jackson, A Jaiswal, S. Jaiswal, S.S. Jansen, D.C. Janson, B.N. Jarmin, R JM, Hughes-Oliver Johannsson, Börje Jones, Donald R. Jones, Lyle V. JQ, Xia Ju, W-H Ju, Wen-Hua Jørgensen, Flemming Steen K, Patil K, Shaddox K, Zhang K, Oktay K., Daniel Karimi, S. Karr, Alan F. Karr, A. F. Karr, Alan Karr., A. F. Kass, RobertE. Kelner, Katrina L. Kennedy, C. Keshishian, H Keshishian, H. Kessler, Larry G. Kim, JW Kim, Jung-Min Kim, H. Kim, H. J. Kinney, S. K. Kinsinger, CR Kinsinger, Christopher R. Kinsinger, C.R. Kitamura, Ryuichi Kohnen, C. N. Kopke, R.A. Kott, Phillip Kottas, M. Kreft, Ita G.G. KS, Remlinger Kulikowich, J.M. Kulikowich, J. L, Liu L, Makowski L.J., Young Labbé, Martine Lane, J. Larson, C. A. Last, M. Last, Michael Leadbetter, M. R. Ledirac, N Lee, J. Lee, D.-H. Lee, Jaeyong Lerche, HansRudolf Leu, D. Leu, D. Liebler, D Liebler, Daniel C. Lin, Xiaodong Lin, J. Lin, X. Lin, C. List, G. F. List, George F. Litwin, K. Liu, F. Liu, C. Liu, J. Liu, L. Liu, Hui Liu, H.-k. Louis, Thomas A. Luta, Gheorghe Lynch, James Lynch, J. Lyssand, JS M, Wang M, Mesri M., Gorsak M., Ghosh M.E., Bellow Maccoss, M MacEachern, S. N. Macintosh, A. Maclean, B Mani, DR Mani, D.R. Mansfield, Elizabeth Marron, J. S. Marston, J. McCormick, T. H. McCoss, M.J. McCulloch, Robert McIver, W. M. McKay, A. D. McLean, B. McMillan, N Mesri, Mehdi Mesri, M Metaxatos, Paul Metaxatos, P. MG, Khaldei MI, Mitchell Minder, C. E. Miranda, J Miranda, J. Mo, Ya Mo, Y Mo, Y. Mockus, A. Mockus, Audris Mockus, A. Moffitt, Robert A. Molina, G. MT, Chu N, Ge N., Cruze N.B., Cruze Nandram, Balgobin Nandram, Balgobin Narayanan, Ravi Nardi, Y. Neubert, TA Neuman, S. Neuman, S. B. Nguyen, H. K. Niemi, J. Nijkamp, P. Nissenbaum, H. Nobile, Agostino Nolan, Deborah Nychka, Douglas Oehlert, Gary W. Oganian, A. Oganyan, A. Olinghouse, N. G. Olwell, D. Orso, Alex Orso, A. Orso, Alessandro P, Rudnick P, Sadowski Paddock, Susan Palomo, J. Park, Brian Park, Byungkyu Park, B. Parthasarathy, R. Participants, on behalf of Pas, Eric I. Patriksson, Michael Pauley, L. Paulo, R. Paulovich, A Pendyala, Ram M. Philip, Reena Picka, Jeffrey D. Picka, J.D. Piegorsch, Walter W. Porter, A. A. Porter, Adam A. Porter, Adam Pregibon, D. Raddick, Jordan Raghavan, N. Raghunathan, T. E. Ran, Bin Ransohoff, David F. Rapoport, J. Reckhow, Kenneth H. Regnier, F Regnier, Fred E. Reid, Edna Reiter, J. P. Reiter, Jerome Reiter, Jerome P. Reznek, AP Riley, CP Ritov, Yaacov RL, Lam Rodriguez, H Rodriguez, Henry Rossi, Peter Rothermel, Gregg Rouphail, N. Rouphail, Nagui M. Rouphail, N. M. Royle, Andy RT, Ng Rudnick, P Rudnick, P. A. Rukhin, A. Russek-Cohen, Estelle Ryan, P. B. S, Ghosh S, Zhang S.S., Young. Sacks, Jerome Sacks, J. Sadowski, P Salloum, G.A. Samuels, J. R. Sanford, Eleanor E. Sanil, Ashish Sanil, A. P. Sanil, A. Sanil, Ashish P. Sartore, L. Schenker, N. Schifeling, T. Schilling, Birgit Schilling, B Schonlau, M. Schuster, Paul Schuster, P. Sedransk, Nell Sedransk, N. Sedransk., Nell Sen, Ashish Sen, A. SH, Jung Shaddox, K Shaffer, Juliet Popper Shah, Surendra P. Shah, S. P. Sheriff, S. Shilling, L.I. Shively, Thomas S. Siddiqui, N. Silke, Andrew Simpson, Douglas G Simpson, Douglas Sinai, Joshua Singpurwalla, NozerD. Siy, H. SJ, Fisher SJ, Skates Skates, Steven J. Skates, SJ Slavkovic, A. Smith, R.L. Smith, D SMITH, RICHARD L. Snickars, Folke Sonis, Michael Sööt, Siim Soper, Keith Speckman, Paul Spiegelman, C. Spiegelman, Cliff SS, Young Stein, S. E. Steinberg, Laura J. Stewart, K. O. Stodden, V. Stokes, Lynne Strawderman, W. Styer, P. Styer, T. Sun, Dongchu TA, Neubert Tabb, D. Tebaldi, Claudia Tempst, Paul Tempst, P Tezak, Zivana Thakar, Ani Thakuriah, Vonu Thakuriah, P. Thakuriah, Piyushimita Theus, Martin Thissen, David Thord, Roland Tomazela, D Toppin, K. Toth, D. Toto, Criselda Traunmüller, R. Troia, G. A. Troia, G. Troia, G. A." " Troia, G. A. Troiab, Gary A. Trottini, M Tsuakawa, R. K. Tsutakawa, R. K. Tu, J. Tukey, John W. Ungvarsky, Edward J. Vardi, Yehuda Vega-Montoto, L. J. Vera, F. Vera, Francisco Votta, L. G. W, Welch W., Cecere W.A., Fuller W.J., Barboza Wahlander, A Waldemarson, S Waller, Lance A. Walsh, D. Walsh, J.E. Wan, B. Wang, X. Wang, M Wang, X. S. Wang, Q. Wang, K. Wang, Jianqiang C. Warren, William G. Weir, Bruce Welch, W. Welch, W.J. Welch, William Welch, William J. West, Mike West, Michael Whitwell, CA Williams, Valerie S. L. Williams, Billy M Williams, Valerie Williams, B. M. Wilson, J. Wilson, G. Wolfinger, R.D. Wolfinger, Russell D. Wolpert, Robert L. Woo, Mi-ja Woo, M.-J. Woodard, R. Xia, J-Q Xia, J. Xie, Minge Ya, Moa Yan, E. Yang, Qing You, J Young, L. Y. Young, Stanley Young, Linda J. Young, Stan Young, S.S. Young, S.Stanley Young, L. Zaykin, D.V. Zhang, S Zhang, N.-F. Zhou, Y-C. Zhu, X. Zimmerman, LJ Zou, Jian Zou, J. Zugaj, D.
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any Advanced traffic management systems Advanced Travel Information System Advanced Traveler Information System Advanced Traveler Information Systems Aggregated observations aging Agriculture Air Pollutants/adverse effects Air Pollutants/analysis Air Pollution/adverse effects Air Pollution/analysis Air Pollution/statistics & numerical data Alabama/epidemiology analysis of Variance Anomaly ANOVA Arctic region Area-frame Assessing Writing assessment Automobile ownership Autonomous route guidance Bayes Bayesian algorithm Bayesian analysis Bayesian global optimization Bayesian hierarchical model Bayesian methods Bayesian positive source separation best linear unbiased prediction Bias (Statistics) BigData block models blood plasma BPSS C13 C51 C52 cadmium compounds Calibration Capture Capture-Recapture CaptureRecapture CAR models car ownership cardiac safety categorical data categorical response CdSe Census Central limit theory change history Choice models Circuit simulator Classification Climate and interannual variability Climate and interannual variability Ice mechanics and air/sea/ice exchange processes complex system models Composite estimation compression computational physics Computer code Computer model computer security computer simulation conditional autoregressive process consensus nonnegative matrix factorization constraints CORSIM counterterrorism Covariance of travel times daily activity-travel patterns data availability data confidentiality Data swapping data utility DataScience Daubert rule degradation Demographics Dependence Dependence in travel time observations designbased. dioxin contamination disclosure risk discrete smoothing Drug discovery dual frame Dual System Estimation; Weights; Census of Agriculture Dynamic model Dynamic Route Guidance ECG ECG T-wave electrocardiogram empirical Bayes Employed Engineering design engineering statistics entry-level job openings. environmental equity environmental monitoring environmental statistics Estimation Exceedance modeling experimental design exponential family extended model Extreme values Fluorescence forecasting Forecasting Model comparison frequentist coverage Functional data analysis Gaussian process Gaussian stochastic process generalized cumulative logistic model Generalized likelihood inference Gibbs distribution Gibbs sampling government hierarchical model High throughput screening high-dimensional data high-orderMarkov Highway travel History of statistics Households Hudson River Humans hyperspectral images Hyperspectral imaging hyperspectral system Hypothesis testing I31 ICA Ice mechanics and air/sea/ice exchange processes II-VI semiconductors imputation Income independent component analysis inference verification Information Related to Geographic Region: Arctic region Instrument calibration instrumentation and measurement integrated likelihood Intelligent Transportation System J23 Jeffreys prior JEL classification:C12 Joint-randomization inference Key words:Welfare to work kriging latent space models Linear mixed model linear regression analysis Link travel time estimate Link Travel Time Process Link travel times Links (Networks) List Frame Logistic Regression Logits lognormal kriging longitudinal data management of change Marginal modeling approach Markov chain Monte Carlo Markov random field median polish meta-data meteorological adjustment metrology Metropolis algorithm micro-simulation Misclassification Error missing data model validation Monitoring network Mortality Multi-cohort longitudinal surveys Multinomial logits Multinomial probit model multiphase sampling Multivariate normal Nanobioscience Nanocrystals nanometer dimensions NASS network design network optimization New products NMF non-probability samples nonlinear regression nonparametric regression Numerical modeling observational studies Ordinal regression ordinary kriging Origin and destination Origin-based traffic assignment Ozone concentration p* models Parameter design Partially informative normal distribution PCB peptides Periods of the day Pharmaceutical industry Photonic crystals plasma proteins Poisson Distribution Pooled data Pooling Population density Positivity posterior propriety Prediction Probability Probe vehicles Probes profiling proportional-odds model proprietary data proteomic databases Pseudo-maximum likelihood publication bias QSAR QT interval quantum dot sources Quantum dots R12 R41 R53 random walks reference prior Regression Analysis regression tree regulation Replication variance estimation Research Residential location reuse of data Risk risk-utility frontier Rotating panel surveys Route choice SampleDesigns Screening SDL method secondary analysis semiconductor crystals semiconductor quantum dots Sensitivity and Specificity sequential design Simulated annealing simulation models small-area estimation software fault tolerance software maintenance Source separation spatial localization spatial smoothing spatial statistics spatio-temporal Static estimates Statistical disclosure limitation (SDL) Statistical Models Stochastic process Superpopulation parameters Survey Syndromic surveillance synthetic data synthetic travel patterns T-wave morphology Tail estimation targeted service Throughput Time duration transport phenomena transportation policy Travel behavior travel demand Travel surveys trend analysis Trip generation Triple-System ultraviolet spectra Unix unmixing methods Urban areas user equilibrium Variance Variance of travel time estimates Variational inequalities (Mathematics) Vehicle miles of travel Vehicle simulation model ventricular repolarization Visualization Weighted Generalized Estimating Equations Weighting Weights wet deposition networks writing