ITSEW 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011 - 6:30pm to Thursday, June 23, 2011 - 11:59am

Program Committee: Hélène Bérard (Statistics Canada, co-chair), Paul Biemer (RTI), François Brisebois (Statistics Canada, co-chair), Edith de Leeuw (Utrecht University), David Dolson (Statistics Canada, co-chair), Wendy Hicks (Westat), Alan Karr (NISS), Brian Meekins (BLS), Barry Schouten (Statistics Netherlands).

2011 ITSEW Program

All Abstracts



Session 2: Risk and paradata research (Chair: Dave Dolson)

Aggregate and Systemic Components of Risk in Total Survey Error Models, John Eltinge

Paradata Collection Research for Social Surveys at Statistics Canada, François Laflamme

Session 3: Nonresponse and Measurement error I (Chair: Paul Biemer)

Propensity Score Models for Nonresponse and Measurement Error, John Dixon

How Much of Interviewer Variance is Really Nonresponse Error Variance? New Results from a National CAPI Survey in Germany, Brady West and Frauke Kreuter

Incorporating Nonresponse Propensity in a Markov Latent Class Measurement, Brian Meekins, Clyde Tucker and Paul Biemer

Session 4: Adaptive Survey Designs I (Chair: Hélène Bérard)

An Active Collection using Intermediate Estimates to Manage Follow-Up of Non-Response and Measurement Errors, Jeannine Claveau, Serge Godbout and Claude Turmelle

Responsive Collection Design for CATI Surveys and Total Survey Error (TSE), François Laflamme

Session 5: Adaptive Survey Designs II (Chair: John Eltinge)

Optimizing CATI Call scheduling to minimize Data Collection Costs, Hussain Choudry, Mike Hidiroglou and François Laflamme

A Theoretical Framework for Adaptive Collection Designs, Jean-François Beaumont and David Haziza

Session 6: Estimation (Chair: John Dixon)

Overview of error model for estimates of foreign-born immigration using citizenship and residence one year ago from the American Community Survey, (also see the long-version paper) Mary Mulry

Robust inference in two-phase sampling designs with application to unit nonresponse, David Haziza and Jean-François Beaumont

Estimation Strategy of the National Household Survey, François Verret

Session 7: Interviewer effect and patterns for item non-response (Chair: Brad Edwards)

Measuring Interviewer Effects on Survey Error in SHARE, Annelies Blom, Julie Korbmacher and Ulrich Krieger

Item Nonresponse in a Mail Survey of Young Adults, Luciano Viera, S. Turner and S. Marsh

Computer Audio Recording: A Practical Technology for Managing Survey Quality, M. Rita Thissen, HyunjooPark and Mai Nguyen

Session 8: Health Surveys and TSE (Chair: François Brisebois)

Proxy Pattern-Mixture Analysis of Missing Health Expenditure Variables in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, Robert Baskin, Samuel Zuvekas and Trena Ezzati-Rice

An Assessment of the Impact of Two Distinct Survey Design Modifications on Health Care Utilization Estimates in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, Steven Cohen, Trena Ezzati-Rice and Marc Zodet

Balancing Confidentiality and Quality in Public Health Data, Lawrence Cox

Total Survey Error in Disability Assessments: Measuring Physical and Cognitive Capacity in the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS), Brad Edwards and Tamara Bruce

Session 10: Nonresponse and Measurement error II (Chair: Brian Meekins)

Attrition and Selection of alteri Respondents in the pairfam panel, Ulrich Krieger

Nonresponse Bias Correction in Telephone Surveys Using Census Geocoding: An Evaluation of Total Error Properties, Paul Biemer and Andy Petychev

Non-Consent Error, Nonresponse Error, and Measurement Error: Total Survey Error in Linked Survey and Administrative Data, Joseph Sakshaug and Frauke Kreuter


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Château Bonne Entente, Ste-Foy, Québec, Canada
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