
All news articles, press releases, and other news-related information posted by NISS.

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Beginning in 2017, the NISS/Merck meet-ups have focused on a wide variety of important topics of interest to the statistics community in the pharmaceutical industry.  The main person behind the organization and implementation of these events has been Dan Holder (Merck).  While this... more
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The National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) sponsored yet another virtual career fair, the tenth in a series of webinars that aim to assist graduate students or individuals interested in a career change to get an inside look into the role of statisticians in a variety of application areas... more
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After a hiatus in 2020 due to COVID, The International Total Survey Error Workshop this year featured a series of virtual seminars on three successive Friday mornings.  The theme of the workshop sessions was Total Survey Error in the Age of COVID-19.  The goal of every ITSEW event is... more
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Each year, the statistical profession recognizes outstanding members at the Joint Statistical Meetings in an awards ceremony organized by the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS). Nominations are an important part of the process, and everyone can contribute—from the newest to... more
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Three NISS Affiliate institutions were represented by faculty intimately familiar with the hiring process. They included Murali Haran, Professor of Statistics and Head of the Department of Statistics at Penn State University, Tian Zheng, Professor of Statistics and Chair of the Department of... more
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As in years past, NISS sponsored activities were in full swing at JSM sessions.  Those who signed up for JSM2021 can still view the recordings of the sessions at the conference site. Sunday, 8/8/2021 Statistically Accurate Interactive Displays for Educational and Government Reports (... more
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On August 6 and 13 the National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) hosted once again the Writing Workshop for Early Researchers.  A successful workshop since its inception in 2007 and this year’s workshop was no different!  (see Event page) NISS gathered a host of senior authors... more
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There are two events listed in the Upcoming Events that are being co-sponosored by NISS.   The Department of Statistics at Purdue is hosting the Distinguished Theme Seminar Series 2021 on Causal Inference and the Department of Statistics at Florida State Univerisity is hosting their annual... more
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The work of NISS does not get done by itself!  There are a number of committees that work throughout the year to ensure that the activities and outreach of NISS continues to fulfill NISS’s mission. Here is the list of the individuals that serve on the various committees that report to the... more
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The first total survey error workshop was held in 2005, at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in Washington, DC. It was organized and sponsored by NISS under the auspices of the NISS Affiliates Program. The organizers were Paul Biemer (then and still at RTI International), Jerry Reiter (then and still... more
