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Bayesian Model for Fate and Transport of Polychlorinated Biphenyl in Upper Hudson River." Journal of Environmental Engineering 122 (1996): 341-349.
"Bayesian Model for Fate and Transport of Polychlorinated Biphenyl in Upper Hudson River." Journal of Environmental Engineering 122, no. 5 (1996).
"Bayes methods for combining disease and exposure data in assessing environmental justice." Environmental and Ecological Statistics 4 (1997): 267-281.
"Bayesian Inference on Network Traffic Using Link Count Data." Journal of the American Statistical Association 93 (1998): 557-573.
"Bayesian Mixture Models in Exploration of Structure-Activity Relationships in Drug Design." In Statistics in Science and Technology: Case Studies 4. Springer-Verlag, 1998.
"A bivariate Bayes method for improving the estimates of mortality rates with a twofold conditional autoregressive model." Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics (1999).
"Bayesian Analysis of Mortality Rates with Disease Maps." Statistics in Medicine 19 (2000): 2015-2035.
"Bounds for Cell Entries in Contingency Tables Given Marginal Totals and Decomposable Graphs In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Vol. 97., 2000.
Bounding entries in multi-way contingency tables given a set of marginal totals." In Proceedings of Conference on Foundation of Statistical Inference and Its Applications, Jerusalem. Springer-Verlag, 2002.
"Bayesian Stochastic Computation with application to Model Selection and Inverse Problems. Durham: Duke University, 2003.
Bounding entries in multi-way contingency tables given a set of marginal totals." In Foundations of Statistical Inference, Proceedings of the Shoresh Conference 2000. Spr, 2003.
"Bounding Entries in Multi-way Contingency Tables Given a Set of Marginal Totals." In Foundations of Statistical Inference, edited by Yoel Haitovsky, Yaacov Ritov and HansRudolf Lerche, 3-16. Contributions to Statistics. Physica-Verlag HD, 2003.
"Bayesian multiscale multiple imputation with implications to data confidentiality." Journal of American Statistical Association 105 (2010): 564-577.
"A Bayesian Approach to Estimating Agricultural Yield Based on Multiple Repeated Surveys." Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 17 (2011): 84-106.
"Bayesian CAR models for syndromic surveillance on multiple data streams: Theory and practice." Information Fusion 13 (2012): 105-116.
"Bayesian methodology for the analysis of spatial temporal surveillance data." Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 5 (2012): 194-204.
"A Bayesian spatio-temporal approach for real-time detection of disease outbreaks: A case study." BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 14 (2014).
"Big data, big results: Knowledge discovery in output from large-scale analytics." Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 7, no. 5 (2014): 404-412.
"Benchmarking a Triplet of Official Estimates." Environmental and Ecological Statistics 25, no. 4 (2018): 523-547.
"Bootstrap Confidence Intervals for Small Area Proportions." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, no. DOI 10.1093/jssam/smy014 (2018).
"Bayesian Benchmarking of the Fay-Herriot Model Using Random Deletion." Survey Methodology (In Press).
"A Bivariate Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Estimating Cropland Cash Rental Rates at the County Level." Survey Methodology (In Press).