* B.A. Mathematics, Cornell University, 1952
* Ph.D. Mathematics, Cornell University, 1956
Current Positions
* Senior Fellow, National Institute of Statistical Sciences, 2000-present
* Professor, Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences, Duke University, 1991-present
Previous Positions
* Director, National Institute of Statistical Sciences, 1991-2000
* Professor of Statistics, Faculty of Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, 1990-1992
* Professor of Statistics, Head of Department of Statistics, University of Illinois, 1984-1990
* Program Director for Statistics and Probability, National Science Foundation, 1983-1984
* Visiting Scholar, American Bar Foundation, June 1982
* Professor of Statistics, Rutgers University, 1979-1981
* Professor of Mathematics, Northwestern University, 1966-1985
* Associate Professor of Mathematics, Northwestern University, 1961-1966
* Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Cornell University, 1960-1961
* Assistant Professor of Mathematical Statistics, Columbia University, 1957-1960
* Instructor in Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, 1956-1957
Professional Activities
* 1997-2000 IMS Council
* 1997-1999 Committee on Environmental Management Science Program, Board on Waste Management, NRC
* 1995-1998 Panel for Information Technology, Board on Assessment of NIST Programs, NRC
* 1993-1996 Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications, NAS
* 1990-1995 Executive Committee, Board on Mathematical Sciences, NAS
* 1987-1989 Committee on Office of Scientific and Public Affairs, ASA
* 1986-1989 Co-chair, IMS Panel on Cross-Disciplinary Research in the Statistical Sciences
* 1986-1989 Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics, NAS
* 1985-1988 Council of IMS
* 1985- Editorial Board of Chemolab
* Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
* Fellow, American Statistical Association
* Founders Award, American Statistical Association
Selected Publications
* Cross-Disciplinary Research in the Statistical Sciences. (1988). Report of a Panel of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, (co-chair with I. Olkin).
* Sacks, J., Welch, W., Mitchell, T. J., and Wynn, H. P. (1989). Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments, Stat. Sci., 4, 409-435.
* Freedman, D. A., Klein, S. P., Sacks, J., Smyth, C. A. and Everett, C. G. (1991). Ecological Regression and Voting Rights, Evaluation Review, 15, No.6, 673-711.
* Simpson, D. G., Guo, S., Sacks, J., Bietz, J. A., Huebner, F. and Nelsen, T. (1991). Relating Chromatographic Data to Measurements of Wheat Quality: Case Studies in Dimension Reduction, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 10, 155-167.
* Sacks, J., Cox, D., Park, J. S., and Singer, C. (1992). Tuning Complex Computer Codes to Data, Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium of the Interface of Computing Science and Statistics, April 21-24, 1991, Seattle, WA, Interface Foundation, Fairfax Station, VA, 266-271.
* Welch, W. J., Buck, R. J., Sacks, J., Wynn, H. P., Mitchell, T. J., and Morris, M. D. (1992). Screening, Predicting, and Computer Experiments, Technometrics, 34, 15-25.
* Bowman, K. P., Sacks, J. and Chang, Y-F. (1993). On the Design and Analysis of Numerical Experiments, J. Atmos. Sci., Vol. 50, No. 9.
* Mitchell, T., Sacks, J. and Ylvisaker, D. (1994). Asymptotic Bayes Criteria for Nonparametric Response Surface Design, The Annals of Statistics, Vol. 22, No. 2, 634-651.
* Styer, P., McMillan, N., Gao, F., Davis, J. and Sacks, J. (1995). The Effect of Airborne Particulate Matter on Daily Death Counts, Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 103, 490-497.
* Gao, F., Sacks, J., and Welch, W. J. (1996). Predicting Urban Ozone Levels and Trends with Semiparametric Modeling, Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, Vol. 1, Number 4, 404-425.