NISS Parameters Newsletter

Each quarter, the NISS team publishes NISS Parameters - a newsletter that delivers updates on activities, affiliate programs, training, and workshops related to NISS.  The NISS Affiliates Update is published the other months of the year.

In this issue:

  • NISS and OCC Explorations Workshop: Financial Risk Modeling and Banking Regulations
  • NISS and NASS Collaborate on Cross-Sector Research
  • Postdoc Profile: Jessie (Qing) Xia
  • Affiliate Profile: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
  • Stan Young Asserts Earlier Study on Cereal Consumption is Flawed
PDF icon Parameters-Spring09.pdf668.64 KB

In this issue:

  • New Wing Ribbon Cutting and Open House
  • John Rice Wins 2008 Sacks Award
  • Fooled by Randomness?
  • Kenan Fellow Inspires Middle School Students to Think Critically
  • Postdoc Profile: Jasmine Zhou
  • Affiliate Profile: RTI International


PDF icon Parameters-Winter08.pdf5.45 MB
