NISS Parameters Newsletter

Each quarter, the NISS team publishes NISS Parameters - a newsletter that delivers updates on activities, affiliate programs, training, and workshops related to NISS.  The NISS Affiliates Update is published the other months of the year.

  • Sedransk Named New Director of NISS - page 1
  • NISS Debuts its Website - page 2
  • NISS News Bytes - page 2
  • Fienberg Awarded NISS Sacks Award - page 3
  • Jiang and Steinberg Receive Former Postdoc Achievement Award - page 4
  • Eltinge and Nunnelly Bestowed Distiguished Service Awards - page 5
  • Photos from the NISS/SAMSI Reception at JSM 2015 - page 6
PDF icon Parameters-fall15.pdf848.71 KB

In this Issue:

  • NISS Actively Working on TCRN Project - page 1
  • NISS Helps Convene Task Force for NASS - page 1
  • Solomon Remembers How NISS was Started - page 2
  • Affiliates Meeting Covers Reveiw Process and More - page 3
  • NISS News Bytes - page 4
  • Former Postdoc Profile: Matthias Schonlau -  page 5
  • NISS Celebrates its 25th Anniversary  - page 6 
PDF icon Parameters-spring15.pdf3.75 MB

In this Issue:

  • Analyzing Complex Survey Data with Missing Item Values - page 1
  • NISS in Transition: Looking Back, Celebrating, Looking Forward - page 2
  • 8th Annual ITSEW Workshop - page 3
  • NISS News Bytes - page 4
  • Board Meeting Addresses Transition of Organization - page 4
  • Postdoc Profile: Neung Soo Ha - page 5
  • Seeking Nominations for Jerome Sacks Award for Cross-Disciplinary Research - page 6

You'll also find a listing of our affiliates.

PDF icon Parameters-winter14.pdf3.89 MB

In this issue:


  • Alan Karr Leaves NISS - page 1
  • New Board of Trustees Members - page 2
  • Terry Speed Receives Jerome Sacks Award - page 3
  • Ellenberg and Soper win 2014 Distinguished Service Awards - page 3
  • He and Cui Moving to New Jobs - page 4
  • Yu Receives the 2014 y-BIS Award - page 4
  • NISS News Bytes - page 4
  • Photos from 2014 JSM - page 5


PDF icon Parameters-summer14.pdf3.31 MB

In this issue:

  • NISS Bestows 2013 Sacks Award - page 1
  • Workshop on Geospatial Methods for Federal Surveys - page 2
  • Profile - Former Postdoc John Aston - page 3
  • NISS News Bytes - page 4
  • Photos from 2013 JSM - page 5
PDF icon Parameters-fall13.pdf4.69 MB
