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NISS's Writing Workshop for Junior Researchers has been held in conjunction with JSM for nearly two decades and it continues to provide valuable insights, enriching mentoring experiences and networking opportunities with some of the most talented and experienced statisticians in the field.  (... more
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Press Release
We are pleased to announce an updated submission deadline for the call for manuscripts for a special issue of Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research (SBR), an official journal of the American Statistical Association, motivated by the 2021 Workshop of the NISS Ingram Olkin Forum on... more
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We're Back!  Woohoo! The American Statistical Association once again is offering a live component to its annual Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) and given the fact that Washington, D.C. is of NISS's headquarter locations, you bet NISS is involved!  Here is a run down of events at... more
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NISS hosted another Virtual Career Fair on Wednesday, June 15, 2022! This career fair brought together statisticians from the pharmaceutical industry to share their advice with prospective applicants and provided current opportunities for statisticians/data scientists from three companies in the... more
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The National Institute of Statistical Science sponsored a second SAID (Statistically Accurate Interactive Displays) in Graphics student data visualization contest this Spring, 2022.  (see Event page)  The purpose of this contest was to create exceptional examples of interactive... more
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Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 12-1:30 pm NISS hosted another Virtual Academic Career Fair.  This career fair provided guidance on what priorities should be set, such as getting publications sent out, perfecting your teaching, accepting service and committee assignments, and much more!... more
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The NISS Graduate Student Network hosted their 2nd Annual Graduate Student Research Conference for two days during the weekend of Saturday, May 14th to Sunday, May 15th of 2022 from 12-5pm ET. This conference was sponsored by Procter & Gamble (P&G), a recently joined NISS Industry Affiliate... more
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Haley Jeppson (NISS Research Associate) joined NISS in October of 2021 and has been working with NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) on the Innovative Graphics for NCES Online Reports research project. The project’s objective is the enhancement of graphical data displays in reports and... more
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Ruiyi Zhang is a new NISS Research Associate who will be working with the National Agricultural Statistical Service (NASS). She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Nankai University in China and her Ph.D. in Statistics from Florida State University.  Prior to NISS, she... more
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Lu Chen (NISS Research Associate)  joined NISS and the Research and Development Division of the National Agricultural Statistics Services (NASS) in 2019 and has been working on a number of projects, primarily focused on the United States Census of Agriculture.  ... more
