COPSS-NISS Webinar Highlights Leadership in Statistical Research

The COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar Series hosted an engaging and thought-provoking event that delved into the realm of leadership in statistical research. The webinar featured two esteemed panelists, Professor Susan Murphy from Harvard University and Professor Trevor Hastie from Stanford University, who shared their invaluable leadership journeys and insights. The discussion was skillfully moderated by Dr. Lingzhou Xue, an Associate Professor of Statistics at Penn State University and an esteemed member of the COPSS Leadership Academy since 2022.

Professor Susan Murphy, the Mallinckrodt Professor of Statistics and of Computer Science at Harvard University, brought her wealth of experience and expertise to the webinar. Renowned for her contributions to statistical research, Professor Murphy provided unique perspectives on effective leadership strategies and the challenges faced in leading research projects and teams.

Professor Trevor Hastie, the John A. Overdeck Professor of Mathematical Sciences at Stanford University, captivated the audience with his remarkable insights into statistical learning and leadership. His extensive knowledge and experience shed light on the pivotal role of statistics in driving innovation and shaping effective leadership practices.

The webinar, attended by a diverse audience of professionals, researchers, and students, provided an invaluable platform for attendees to learn from the experiences and wisdom of these distinguished panelists. Dr. Lingzhou Xue skillfully moderated the discussion, guiding the conversation towards key topics such as fostering collaboration, navigating challenges, and driving advancements in statistical research.

The webinar showcased the importance of leadership in statistical research and provided a unique opportunity to gain insights from two eminent leaders in the field. We are grateful to Professor Susan Murphy, Professor Trevor Hastie, and Dr. Lingzhou Xue for their valuable contributions and for inspiring the next generation of leaders in statistical research.

See the full recording below:


Access the Full COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar Series


About the COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar Series:

Full Playlist | COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar Series:

Jan 24, 2023 | COPSS-NISS Leadership in Academia: Click here to watch

Feb 28, 2023 | COPSS-NISS Social Justice and Community Leadership: Click here to watch

Mar 28, 2023 | COPSS-NISS Leadership in Statistical Research: Click here to watch

Apr 28, 2023 | COPSS-NISS Leadership in Government: Click here to watch

Tuesday, March 28, 2023 by Megan Glenn