Survey Costs: Workshop Report and White Paper (2006)


This document is both the report of a workshop on survey costs, held on April 18–19, 2006 in Washington, DC and a white paper articulating a research agenda derived from breakout and plenary discussions at the workshop. The workshop was organized by the National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS), at the request of the Office of Research and Methodology at the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and held in facilities provided by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Alan Karr, Director of NISS, chaired the organizing committee, whose other members were Lawrence Cox (NCHS), John Eltinge (BLS), Graham Kalton (Westat), Daniel Kasprzyk (MPR), Myron Katzoff (NCHS), Partha Lahiri (University of Maryland), Judy Lessler (Chatham Research Consultancy), Marilyn Seastrom (NCES), Alan Tupek (Census) and Doug Williams (Williams Consulting).

Alan F. KarrMichael Last
Publication Date: 
Friday, September 1, 2006
File Attachment: 
PDF icon tr161.pdf
Report Number: