A Random Effects Multinomial Probit Model of Car Ownership Choice (1995)


The number of cars in a household has an important effect on its travel behavior ( e.g., choice of number of trips, mode to work, and non-work destinations), hence car ownership modeling is an essential component of any travel demand forecasting effort. In this paper we report on a random effects multinomial pro bit model of car ownership level, estimated using longitudinal data collected in the Netherlands. 

A Bayesian approach is taken and the model is estimated by means of a modification of the Gibbs sampling with data augmentation algorithm considered by McCulloch and Rossi (1994). The modification consists in performing, after each Gibbs sampling cycle, a Metropolis step along a direction of constant likelihood. An examination of the simulation output illustrates the improved performance of the resulting sampler. 


Multinomial probit model, Panel data, Gibbs sampling, Metropolis algorithm, Bayesian analysis. 

Agostino NobileChandra R. BhatEric I. Pas
Publication Date: 
Wednesday, November 1, 1995
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