Case Study: Using the AIRS Database. Report to EPA/CEIS (1999)

Executive Summary:

The Center for Environmental Information and Statistics (CEIS) of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has prepared a draft “Protocol for Statistical Assessment of EPA Program Office Data Systems for Secondary Purposes”, which in part states that:

The statistical assessment of Agency databases for secondary use purposes will be in two parts:

  1. a quantitative description of the data in the data bases; and
  2. a case study using a hypothetical secondary use (in most cases we select the secondary use of “Environmental Status Quality and Trends for a Local Community”).

The National Institute of Statistical Science (NISS) has entered into a Cooperative Agreement with CEIS to assist with the assessment. NISS’s first effort under the Agreement has been to carry out just such a case study, specifically of ozone status and trends for the Research Triangle area of North Carolina. The results of the 1 study are presented in the body of this report. 

Peter BloomfieldYuntae Kim
Publication Date: 
Monday, March 1, 1999
File Attachment: 
PDF icon tr93.pdf
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