Statistical Methodology for Measuring and Improving Data Quality

Research Project

Data quality issues were being explored, along with paths to resolve them, for the Bureau of Transporation Studies' (BTS) Intermodal Transportation Database (ITDB). One principal recommendation is that BTS develop a software toolkit that would automate generic aspects of data quality assessments and systemize application of relevant domain knowledge. The ITDB integrates a number of diverse databases maintained by the U.S. Department of Transportation. A central component of the project was to link data quality requirements to the uses of the data, in part by modeling the impact of data quality in diverse contexts.

Workshop(s): Affiliates Workshop on Data Quality, November 30-December 1, 2000, Morristown, NJ

NISS Affiliates Technology Day - Case Studies in Data Quality, February 28, 2002

Technical Report(s):

Technical Report 117:  Workshop Report: Affiliates Workshop on Data Quality

Research Team: 

Principal Investigator(s): Alan Karr, NISS

Senior Investigator(s): Ahmed Elmagarmid , Purdue

Post Doctoral Fellow(s): Ashish Sanil

Individual Team Members: 
Alan F. KarrAshish Sanil