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Eick, G., A. Mockus, T.L. Graves, and A. F. Karr. "A Web laboratory for software data analysis." World Wide Web 1 (1998): 55-60.
Cox, Lawrence H. "Workshop: Statistical Methods for Combining Environmental Information." In Case Studies in Environmental Statistics, edited by Douglas Nychka, Walter W. Piegorsch and Lawrence H. Cox, 143-158. Vol. 132. Lecture Notes in Statistics 132. Springer US, 1998.
Sen, Ashish, Paul Metaxatos, Siim Sööt, and Vonu Thakuriah. "Welfare reform and spatial matching between clients and jobs." Papers in Regional Science 78 (1999): 195-211.
Karr, A. F., C.-M. Aldea, S.S. Jaiswal, B.E. Ankenman, J.D. Picka, and T. Igusa. "Water permeability of cracked concrete." In Proc. 12th Engrg. Mechanics Conf, 1158?1162., 2000.
Karr, Alan F. "Web-based systems that disseminate information but protect confidential data." In Proceedings dg.o 2001, 159?166. Digital Government Research Center, 2001.
Karr, Alan F., and Ashish P. Sanil. "Web-Based Systems that Disseminate Information but Protect Confidential Data." In Advances in Digital Government. Kluwer, Amserdam. Kluwer, 2001.
Karr, A. F., A. P. Sanil, J. Sacks, and A. Elmagarmid. Workshop Report: Affiliates Workshop on Data Quality. National Institute of Statistical Sciences, 2001.
Karr, A. F., J. Lee, and A. P. Sanil. Workshop Report: Workshop on Statistics and Information Technology. National Institute of Statiatical Sciences, 2001.
Karr, A. F., L. H. Cox, and S. K. Kinney. "The World’s Simplest Survey Microsimulator (WSSM)." In The World’s Simplest Survey Microsimulator (WSSM)., 2012.
Karr, A. F. "Why data availability is such a hard problem." Statistical Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics 30 (2014).
Karr, A. F., and L. H. Cox. "The World’s Simplest Survey Microsimulator (WSSM)." Journal of Official Statistics (Submitted).