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Non - response Bias and Trip Generation Models." (1993): 64-70.
"Non - response and Urban Travel Models." Transportation Research Record 1551 (1996): 82-87.
"National Institute of Statistical Sciences (US)." In Encyclopedia of Environmetrics. Wiley, Chichester, 2002.
"NISS WebSwap: A Web Service for Data Swapping." J. Statist. Software 8 (2003): 2003.
"National Institute of Statistical Sciences/Education Statistics Services Institute Task Force on Graduation, Completion and Dropout Indicators: Final Report. US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, NCES, 2005.
NISS/NESSI Task Force on Full Population Estimates for NAEP. National Institute of Statistical Sciences, 2009.
National Institute of Statistical Sciences Configuration and Data Integration for Longitudinal Studies Technical Panel: Final Report (2011).. US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, NCES, 2011.
National Institute of Statistical Sciences Data Confidentiality Technical Panel: Final Report. US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, NCES, 2011.
National Institute of Statistical Sciences (US)." In Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, second edition. Wiley, Chichester, 2013.
"A New Functional Data Based Biomarker for Modeling Cardiovascular Behavior." Statistics in Medicine 32 (2013): 153-164.
"The New Literacies of Online Research and Comprehension: Assessing and Preparing Students for the 21st Century with Common Core State Standards." In Quality Reading Instruction in the Age of Common Core Standards, edited by S. Neuman and L. Gambrell. International Reading Association, 2013.
"The New Literacies of Online Research and Comprehension: Assessing and Preparing Students for the 21st Century with Common Core State Standards.", edited by S. B. Neuman and L.B. Gambrell, to appear. International Reading Association, 2014.