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SMITH, RICHARD L. Multivariate Threshold Methods., 1993.
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Shaffer, Juliet Popper. "Multiple Hypothesis Testing: A Review." Annual Review of Psychology 46 (1995): 561-584.
Huang, Li-Shan, and RICHARD L. SMITH. "Meteorologically-dependent trends in urban ozone." Environmetrics 10 (1999): 103-118.
Kitamura, Ryuichi, Cynthia Chen, Ram M. Pendyala, and Ravi Narayanan. "Micro-simulation of daily activity-travel patterns for travel demand forecasting." Transportation 27 (2000): 25-51.
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Zhou, Y-C., and N. Sedransk. "Marking the Ends of T-waves: Algorithms and Experts." Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 2 (2010): 359-367.
Zhou, Y-C., and N. Sedransk. "Marking the Ends of T-waves: Algorithms and Experts." Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 2 (2010): 359-367.
Karr, A. F., and A. Oganian. "Masking methods that preserve positivity constraints in microdata." J. Statist. Planning Inf. 141 (2010): 31-41.
Sedransk, Nell, Lawrence H. Cox, Deborah Nolan, Keith Soper, Cliff Spiegelman, Linda J. Young, Katrina L. Kelner, Robert A. Moffitt, Ani Thakar, Jordan Raddick et al. "Make research data public? - Not always so simple: A Dialogue for statisticians and science editors." Statistical Science 5 (2011): 41-50.
Karr, A. F., H. J. Kim, L. H. Cox, Q. Wang, and J. P. Reiter. "Multiple imputation of missing or faulty values under linear constraints." Journal of Business Economic Statistics 32, no. 3 (2014): 375-386.
A.L., Erciulescu, Cruze N.B., and Nandram B. "Model-based County-Level Crop Estimates Incorporating Auxiliary Sources of Information." JSM Proceedings. Survey Research Methods Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. (2016).
A.L., Erciulescu. "Model-Based County-Level Crop Estimates Incorporating Auxiliary Sources of Information." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, no. DOI 10.1111/rssa.12390 (2018).