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Abt, Markus, William J. Welch, and Jerome Sacks. "Design and Analysis for Modeling and Predicting Spatial Contamination." Mathematical Geology 31 (1999): 1-22.
Karr, A. F., N. Raghavan, R. Bell, M. Schonlau, and D. Pregibon. "Defection detection: Using online activity profiles to predict ISP customer vulnerability." In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 506?515., 2000.
Rouphail, N., B. Park, and J. Sacks. Direct Signal Timing Optimization: Strategy Development and Results In XI Pan American Conference in Traffic and Transportation Engineering., 2000.
Karr, A. F., J. Hernandez, S. Karimi, J. Lee, K. Litwin, and A. Sanil. "Disseminating information but protecting confidentiality." IEEE Computer 34 (2001): 36?37.
Eick, Stephen G., Todd L. Graves, Alan F. Karr, J. S. Marron, and Audris Mockus. "Does code decay? Assessing the evidence from change management data." In In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1-12., 2001.
Karr, A. F., S. Gomatam, C. Liu, and A. P. Sanil. "Data swapping: A risk–utility framework and Web service implementation." In Proc. dg.o 2003, National Conference on Digital Government Research, 245-248. Digital Government Research Center, 2003.
SS, Young, Wang M, and Gu F. "Design of diverse and focused combinatorial libraries using an alternating algorithm." Journal of Chemistry Information and Computer Sciences 43 (2003): 1916-1921.
Dobra, A., E. A. Erosheva, and S. E. Fienberg. "Disclosure limitation methods based on bounds for large contingency tables with application to disability data." In Proceedings of Conference on New Frontiers of Statistical Data Mining. CRC Press, 2003.
Karr, A. F. "Data confidentiality, data quality and data integration for federal databases." In Proc. dg.o 2004, National Conference on Digital Government Research, 91-92., 2004.
SS, Young, and Ge N. "Design of diversity and focused combinatorial libraries in drug discovery." Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development 7 (2004): 318-324.
Duncan, George T., and Lynne S. Stokes. "Disclosure Risk vs Data Utility: The R-U Confidentiality Map." Chance 17 (2004): 16-20.
Karr, A. F., J. Feng, X. Lin, J. P. Reiter, A. P. Sanil, and S.S. Young. "Data dissemination and disclosure limitation in a world without microdata: A risk-utility framework for remote access analysis servers." Statistical Science 20 (2005): 163-177.
Karr, A. F., and A. P. Sanil. "Data quality and data confidentiality for microdata: implications and strategies." In Bull. International Statistical Inst., 55th Session., 2005.
Gomatam, Shanti, Alan F. Karr, and Ashish P. Sanil. "Data Swapping as a Decision Problem." Journal of Official Statistics 21 (2005): 635-655.
Paulo, R. "Default Priors for Gaussian Processes." Annals of Statistics 33 (2005): 556-582.
Karr, A. F. "Discussion of ‘The impact of technology on the scientific method' by S. Keller–McNulty, A. G.Wilson and G. Wilson." Chance 18 (2005): 1.
Porter, A. A., and A. F. Karr. "Distributed performance testing using statistical modeling." In ICSE 2005 Workshop on Advances in Model-Based Software Testing (A-MOST)., 2005.
Karr, Alan F., Ashish P. Sanil, and David L. Banks. "Data quality: A statistical perspective." Statistical Methodology 3 (2006): 137-173.
Karr, A. F., S. K. Kinney, and J. F. Gonzalez, Jr. "Data confidentiality—the next five years: Summary and guide to papers." Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality 1 (2010): 125-134.
SS, Young, and Karr Alan. "Deming, data and observational studies. A process out of control and needing fixing." Significance 8 (2011): 116-120.
Sedransk, N., L. Young, and C. Spiegelman. "Data, Statistics and Controversy: Making Scientific Data Intelligible." Statistics, Politics and Policy 3 (2012): 1-20.
Karr, A. F. "Discussion on statistical use of administrative data: old and new challenges." Statist. Neerlandica 66 (2012): 80-84.
Abbatiello, S., X. Feng, N. Sedransk, DR Mani, B Schilling, B Maclean, LJ Zimmerman, MP Cusack, SC Hall, T Addona et al. "Design, Implementation and Multisite Evaluation of a System Suitability Protocol for the Quantitative Assessment of Instrument Performance in Liquid Chromatography-Multiple Reaction Monitoring-MS (LC-MRM-MS)." Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 12 (2013): 2623-2639.
Karr, A. F. "Discussion of five papers on “Systems and architectures for high-quality statistics production." Journal of Official Statistics 29 (2013): 157-163.
N.B., Cruze, Erciulescu A.L., Nandram B., Barboza W.J., and Young L.J. "Developments in Model-Based Estimation of County-Level Agricultural Estimates." ICES V Proceedings. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association (2016).
Bellow, Michael E., Nathan Cruze, and Andreea L. Erciulescu. Developments in Model-Based County Level Estimation of Agricultural Cash Rental Rates In JSM Proceedings. Survey Research Methods Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association., 2017.
Kott, Phillip. "A design-sensitive approach to fitting regression models with complex survey data." In 2015 FCSM Research Conference. Statistics Surveys, 2018.
Toppin, K., L. Sartore, and C. Spiegelman. Design Weight and Calibration In JSM 2017., Submitted.