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Book Chapter
Karr, A. F., J. Lee, A. P. Sanil, J. Hernandez, S. Karimi, and K. Litwin. "Advances in Digital Government.", edited by E. Elmagarmid and W. M. McIver, 181-196. Boston: Kluwer, 2002.
Young, S.Stanley, and Jerome Sacks. "Analysis of a Large, High-Throughput Screening Data Using Recursive Partitioning." In Molecular Modeling and Prediction of Bioactivity, edited by Klaus Gundertofte and Flemming Steen Jørgensen, 149-156. Springer US, 2000.
Xie, Minge, and Douglas Simpson. "Categorical Exposure-Response Regression Analysis of Toxicology Experiments." In Case Studies in Environmental Statistics, edited by Douglas Nychka, Walter W. Piegorsch and Lawrence H. Cox, 121-141. Vol. 132. Lecture Notes in Statistics 132. Springer US, 1998.
Boyce, David. "Combined Model of Interregional Commodity Flows on a Transportation Network." In Trade, Networks and Hierarchies, edited by Geoffrey J. D. Hewings, Michael Sonis and David Boyce, 29-40. Advances in Spatial Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.
Karr, A. F., and J. P. Reiter. "Confidentiality and Data Access in the Use of Big Data: Theory and Practical Approaches.", edited by J. Lane, V. Stodden, H. Nissenbaum and S. Bender. Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Kulikowich, J.M., and N. Sedransk. "Current and emerging design and data analysis approaches." APA Handbook of Educational Psychology, American Psychological Association, 2012.
Fienberg, Stephen E. "Homeland Insecurity." In Terrorism Informatics, edited by Hsinchun Chen, Edna Reid, Joshua Sinai, Andrew Silke and Boaz Ganor, 197-218. Vol. 18. Integrated Series In Information Systems 18. Springer US, 2008.
Fienberg, Stephen E. "Homeland Insecurity." In Terrorism Informatics, edited by Hsinchun Chen, Edna Reid, Joshua Sinai, Andrew Silke and Boaz Ganor, 197-218. Vol. 18. Integrated Series In Information Systems 18. Springer US, 2008.
Leu, D., and N. Sedransk. "The New Literacies of Online Research and Comprehension: Assessing and Preparing Students for the 21st Century with Common Core State Standards." In Quality Reading Instruction in the Age of Common Core Standards, edited by S. Neuman and L. Gambrell. International Reading Association, 2013.
Sedransk, N., D. Leu, E. Forzani, C. Burlingame, J. Kulikowich, J. Coiro, and C. Kennedy. "The New Literacies of Online Research and Comprehension: Assessing and Preparing Students for the 21st Century with Common Core State Standards.", edited by S. B. Neuman and L.B. Gambrell, to appear. International Reading Association, 2014.
Karr, A. F., P. Thakuriah, and A. Sen. "Probe-based surveillance for travel time information in ITS.", edited by R. Emmerink and P. Nijkamp, 393-425. Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1999.
Sun, Dongchu, Paul Speckman, and R. K. Tsutakawa. "Random effects in generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs)." In Generalized Linear Models: A Bayesian Perspective, 23-40. Marcel dekker, Inc., 2000.
Sun, Dongchu, Paul Speckman, and R. K. Tsutakawa. "Random effects in generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs)." In Generalized Linear Models: A Bayesian Perspective, 23-40. Marcel dekker, Inc., 2000.
Nobile, Agostino, Chandra R. Bhat, and Eric I. Pas. "A Random-Effects Multinomial Probit Model of Car Ownership Choice." In Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics, edited by Constantine Gatsonis, JamesS. Hodges, RobertE. Kass, Robert McCulloch, Peter Rossi and NozerD. Singpurwalla, 419-434. Vol. 121. Lecture Notes in Statistics 121. Springer New York, 1997.
Boyce, D. E., D.-H. Lee, and B.N. Janson. "Roadway Incident Analysis with a Dynamic User-Optimal Route Choice Model." In Knowledge and Networks in a Dynamic Economy, edited by Martin J. Beckmann, Börje Johannsson, Folke Snickars and Roland Thord, 371-390. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.
Xie, Minge, Douglas G. Simpson, and Raymond J. Carroll. "Scaled Link Functions for Heterogeneous Ordinal Response Data*." In Modelling Longitudinal and Spatially Correlated Data, edited by Timothy G. Gregoire, David R. Brillinger, PeterJ. Diggle, Estelle Russek-Cohen, William G. Warren and Russell D. Wolfinger, 23-36. Vol. 122. Lecture Notes in Statistics 122. Springer New York, 1997.
Conference Paper
Karr, A. F., C.-M. Aldea, J. Rapoport, and S. P. Shah. "Combined effect of cracking and water permeability of fiber-reinforced concrete." In Concrete Under Severe Conditions, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Concrete Under Severe Conditions, 71?78., 2001.
Pauley, L., J.M. Kulikowich, N. Sedransk, and R. Engel. "Constructing mathematical and spatial-reasoning measures for engineering students." In Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education., 2010.
Karr, A. F., and A. P. Sanil. "Data quality and data confidentiality for microdata: implications and strategies." In Bull. International Statistical Inst., 55th Session., 2005.
Karr, A. F., S. Gomatam, C. Liu, and A. P. Sanil. "Data swapping: A risk–utility framework and Web service implementation." In Proc. dg.o 2003, National Conference on Digital Government Research, 245-248. Digital Government Research Center, 2003.
Karr, A. F., N. Raghavan, R. Bell, M. Schonlau, and D. Pregibon. "Defection detection: Using online activity profiles to predict ISP customer vulnerability." In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 506?515., 2000.
Park, B., N. M. Rouphail, and J. Sacks. "A Framework for Traffic Simulation Model Validation Procedure Using CORSIM as a Test-Bed." In 2001 International Symposium on Advanced Highway Technology., 2001.
Karr, A. F., S. P. Shah, S.S. Jaiswal, B.E. Ankenman, J.D. Picka, and T. Igusa. "Impact of the interfacial transition zone on the chloride permeability of concrete." In Proc. 12th Engrg. Mechanics Conf, 1134-1137., 2000.
Jaiswal, S., T. Igusa, T. Styer, and A. F. Karr. "Influence of microstructure and fracture on the transport properties in cement-based materials." In Brittle Matrix Composites - International Symposium, 199-220. Vol. 5., 1997.
Karr, A. F., A. Dobra, and A. P. Sanil. "Optimal tabular releases from confidential data." In Proc. dgo.2002, National Conference on Digital Government Research., 2002.
Karr, A. F., C.-M. Aldea, and S. P. Shah. "Permeability of cracked high strength concrete." In Proceedings of the International Symposium on High Performance and Reactive Powder Concretes, edited by P. C. Aïtcin and Y. Delagrave, 211-219., 1999.
Karr, A. F., X. Lin, J. P. Reiter, and A. P. Sanil. "Privacy preserving regression modelling via distributed computation." In Proc. Tenth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 677-682., 2004.
Sedransk, N., J.M. Kulikowich, R. Engel, X. Wang, P. Gunning, and A. Fleming. "Psychometric and Statistical Modeling for the Study of Retention and Graduation in Undergraduate Engineering." In Social Statistics and Higher Education Conference Volume., 2010.
Karr, A. F., X. Lin, J. P. Reiter, and A. P. Sanil. "Regression on distributed databases via secure multi-party computation." In Proc. dg.o 2004, National Conference on Digital Government Research, 405-406., 2004.
Karr, A. F., S. E. Fienberg, Y. Nardi, and A. Slavkovic. "Secure logistic regression with distributed databases." In Bulletin of International Statistics Institute., 2007.
Karr, A. F., C. N. Kohnen, X. Lin, J. P. Reiter, and A. P. Sanil. "Secure regression for vertically partitioned, partially overlapping data." In ASA Proceedings 2004., 2004.
Karr, Alan F., Xiaodong Lin, Ashish P. Sanil, and Jerome P. Reiter. "Secure statistical analysis of distributed databases using partially trusted third parties. Manuscript in preparation." In In Statistical Methods in Counterterrorism: Game Theory, Modeling, Syndromic Surveillance, and Biometric Authentication, edited by D. Olwell, A. G.Wilson and G. Wilson. New York: Springer–Verlag, 2005.
Sedransk, N. "A statistical meteorologist looks at computational system models." In Proceedings of 2004 Workshop on Verification & Validation of Computer Models of High-consequence Engineering Systems., 2005.
Pauley, L., J. Kulikowich, N. Sedransk, and R. Engel. "Studying the Reliability and Validity of Test Scores for Mathematical and Spatial Reasoning Tasks for Engineering Students." In Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education., 2011.
Karr, Alan F., and Ashish P. Sanil. "Web-Based Systems that Disseminate Information but Protect Confidential Data." In Advances in Digital Government. Kluwer, Amserdam. Kluwer, 2001.
Conference Proceedings
Karr, A. F., M. Haran, A. A. Porter, A. Orso, and A. P. Sanil. Applying classification techniques to remotely-collected program execution data In Proc. ACM SIGSOFT Symposium Foundations of Software Engineering 2005. New York: ACM, 2005.
Toppin, K., L. Sartore, and C. Spiegelman. Design Weight and Calibration In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Toppin, K., L. Sartore, and C. Spiegelman. Design Weight and Calibration In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Rouphail, N., B. Park, and J. Sacks. Direct Signal Timing Optimization: Strategy Development and Results In XI Pan American Conference in Traffic and Transportation Engineering., 2000.
Sartore, L., K. Toppin, and C. Spiegelman. Estimated Covariance Matrices Associated with Calibration In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Sartore, L., K. Toppin, and C. Spiegelman. Estimated Covariance Matrices Associated with Calibration In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Abernethy, J., L. Sartore, H. Benecha, and C. Spiegelman. Estimation of Capture Probabilities by Accounting for Sample Designs In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Abernethy, J., L. Sartore, H. Benecha, and C. Spiegelman. Estimation of Capture Probabilities by Accounting for Sample Designs In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Benecha, H., D. Abreu, J. Abernethy, L. Sartore, and L. Y. Young. Evaluation of a New Approach for Estimating the Number of U.S. Farms In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Bayarri, M.J., J. Berger, D. Higdon, M. Kottas, R. Paulo, J. Sacks, J. Cafeo, J. Cavendish, C. Lin, and J. Tu. A Framework for Validating Computer Models In Workshop on Foundations for Modeling and Simulation. Society for Computer Simulation, 2002.
Sartore, L., H. Benecha, K. Toppin, and C. Spiegelman. Restricted Multinomial Regression for a Triple-System Estimation with List Dependence In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Sartore, L., H. Benecha, K. Toppin, and C. Spiegelman. Restricted Multinomial Regression for a Triple-System Estimation with List Dependence In JSM 2017., Submitted.
Park, B., N. M. Rouphail, and J. Sacks. Traffic Signal Offset Optimization Using Microscopic Simulation Program with Stochastic Process Model In American Society of Civil Engineers., 2000.
Journal Article
Bloomfield, Peter, Andy Royle, Laura J. Steinberg, and Qing Yang. "Accounting for Meteorological Effects in Measuring Urban Ozone Levels and Trends." Atmospheric Environment 30, no. 17 (1996): 3067-3077.
Schifeling, T., C. Cheng, Jerome Reiter, and D.C. Hillygus. "Accounting for nonignorable unit nonresponse and attrition in panel studies with refreshment samples." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 3, no. 3 (2015): 265-295.
