Zhulin He

Iowa State University
Professional Title: 
Research Assistant Professor

Dr. Zhulin He is a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Statistics at Iowa State. She served as a Postdoc for NISS-AIR from 2012 to 2014, where she contributed her skills to Project Talent, a national longitudinal survey that has followed the lives of about 400,000 participants since their high school graduations in 1960s.

Dr. He received her Bachelor degree in Statistics from Nankai University, Master’s degree in Statistics from University of Calgary, and Ph.D. in Biostatistics from University of Florida. As a Research Assistant Professor, she focuses on conducting and developing research in survey statistics at Center for Survey and Statistics Methodology (CSSM) in the Department of Statistics at Iowa State University. Her main research interests are in survey methodology, causal inference and survival analysis.

NISS Research Projects

Technical Reports

  • Construction of Full Sample and Replicate Weights for Project Talent, with Applications (2014) -
