Junheng Ma is a Research Associate with SR2c at Case Western Reserve. He served as a NISS postdoc from 2011 to 2012, where he worked on the National Survey of College Graduates and the National Survey of Recent College Graduates as part of an NSF funded study. In addition, he served as a SAMSI postdoc from 2010 to 2011, where he worked in tandem with the Statistical Inference for Functional Data working group on the Analysis of Object Data program.
Ma grew up in Yang Quan, a mid-sized city in northern China. After earning his B.S. in applied mathematics from a nearby college, he earned his Ph.D. in statistics from Case Western Reserve University. As a Ph.D. student, his thesis, “Contributions to Numerical Formal Concept Analysis, Bayesian Predictive Inference and Sample Size Determination,” provided an excellent segue to the survey methodology work that he performed with NISS.
Within the field of statistics, Ma’s expertise includes data visualization, computing, and statistical package development. His research interests include clustering analysis, Bayesian data analysis, selection bias, survival analysis and clinical trials. During his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter.