Jinko Graham

Jinko Graham
Simon Fraser University
Professional Title: 
Professor, Statistics

Jinko Graham is a Professor of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Simon Fraser University. She was a NISS postdoc from 1998 to 1999, working on two projects. The first project was in forensics, on genetic match probabilities for suspect and perpetrator; the second was in HIV bioinformatics, on detecting recombination breakpoints in viral sequences within an individual.

Dr. Graham grew up in Canada. She earned a Master’s in Statistics from the University of British Columbia and a PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Washington.  In addition to working with NISS, she conducted research in the statistical genetics program at North Carolina State University.

In her research, Dr. Graham works on problems at the interface of statistics and genomics. She is generally interested in incorporating fundamental concepts of genetics into statistical models and methods in order to improve the interpretation of genomic data.


Stepwise Detection of Recombination Breakpoints in Sequence AlignmentsBioinformatics 2005. PMID: 15388518 DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bti040

Technical Reports

  • Conditional Genotypic Probabilities for Microsatellite Loci (1999) -
