Christy Chuang-Stein

NISS Position: 
Co-Chair NISS Affiliates Committee; Former Vice-Chair of Board of Trustees; Elected Board Member (2020)
NISS Term Expiration: 
2026 Jun 30
Independent Statistical Consultant

Christy Chuang-Stein is an independent statistical consultant with 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. She was Vice President, Head of the Statistical Research and Consulting Center (SRCC) when she retired from Pfizer on July 1 2015. As the Head of the SRCC, Christy led a group of expert statistical consultants in providing strategic consultation to all teams that could benefit from the use of statistical thinking at Pfizer. In addition, Christy and her team collaborated broadly with scientists, both internally and externally.

Christy grew up in Taiwan. She attended the National Taiwan University with a major in mathematics. She studied statistics at the University of Minnesota under the guidance of Professors Kinley Larntz and Stephen Fienberg. Her first post-graduate appointment was to teach statistics and provide consulting services at the Cancer Center of the University of Rochester. It was during her work at the Cancer Center that Christy developed her strong interest in statistical applications to biomedical research. That interest led her to join the pharmaceutical industry in 1985.

Christy is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association with more than 145 publications including several book chapters and two books. Christy is a repeat recipient of Drug Information Association’s Donald E. Francke Award for Overall Excellence in Journal Publishing and Thomas Teal Award for Excellence in Statistics Publishing. Christy is a founding editor of the journal Pharmaceutical Statistics and has served on several editorial boards. Christy was a vice president of the American Statistical Association (ASA, 2009-2011). She received ASA’s Founders’ Award in 2012 and the Distinguished Achievement Award of the International Chinese Statistical Association in 2014.

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