Barry D. Nussbaum was the Chief Statistician for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from 2007 until his retirement in March 2016. He started his EPA career in 1975 in mobile sources and was the branch chief for the team that phased lead out of gasoline. Dr. Nussbaum is the founder of the EPA Statistics Users Group.In recognition of his notable accomplishments, he was awarded the Environmental Protection Agency’s Distinguished Career Service Award.
Dr. Nussbaum has a bachelor’s degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. With Professor Nozer Singpurwalla as his advisor, he earned both a master’s and a doctorate from the George Washington University. In May 2015, he was elected the 112th president of the American Statistical Association. He has been a fellow of the ASA since 2007 and is an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. He has taught graduate statistics courses for George Washington University and Virginia Tech. In 2019, he was appointed Adjunct Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. In addition, he has even survived two terms as the treasurer of the Ravensworth Elementary School Parent Teacher Association.