Open-rank position at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level - University of Pittsburgh

The newly created Center for Biostatistics and Qualitative Methodology (CBQM) at the University of Pittsburgh is seeking applicants for a full time, open-rank position at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level. Ideal candidates will have a PhD in biostatistics, statistics, or a related field. Additionally, strong communication skills and at least two years of collaborative experience either as a post doc or faculty are preferred. Applicants with expertise in clinical trials, electronic health records, analysis of big data from administrative health data, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, and other areas related to biomedical and health services research are encouraged to apply. The faculty position will have a primary appointment in the Division of General Internal Medicine (DGIM), Department of Medicine (DOM) and will be a core faculty of the CBQM, the Center for Research on Health Care (CRHC), and the Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE).

Additionally, opportunity exists for a secondary appointment in the Department of Biostatistics in the School of Public Health. The successful candidate will collaborate with fellow DOM investigators in the following areas: study design on grant proposals, mentorship of trainees and junior faculty, teaching and advising graduate students in the ICRE, and supervising and mentoring masters-level biostatisticians within the CRHC Data Center. Additional opportunities exist to collaborate with investigators in the Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion, which is part of the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System. Additionally, development of independent research topics and grants is encouraged. Start date is negotiable. 

For additional information about the position, the institution and its centers, and application instructions, please visit:

Note that the date for priority consideration is April 14, 2023.