We're Back! Woohoo!
The American Statistical Association once again is offering a live component to its annual Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) and given the fact that Washington, D.C. is of NISS's headquarter locations, you bet NISS is involved! Here is a run down of events at JSM that involve NISS research, individuals involved in or related to NISS. In addition, NISS is holding is Affiliates Luncheon Meeting as well as the NISS Reception
NISS at JSM - Mark Your Programs!
NISS Writing Workshop for Junior Researchers - Day 3
7:30am-3:30pm - Marriott Marquis: Supreme Court
NISS Affiliate Luncheon
12:00pm - 2:30pm - Marriott Marquis: Independence C
Agenda Coming Soon!
MEET-UP! NISS Graduate Student Network and NISS Writing Workshop for Junior Researchers from 2020, 2021 and 2022!
6pm-8pm - Marriott Marquis: Judiciary Square
9:20 AM - CC-154A #114 Time Series Methods and Applications, "A Computationally Efficient Model for Large Scale Crop Type Forecasting". Jonathon Abernethy, USDA-NASS; Luca Sartore, NISS/USDA-NASS; Kevin Hunt, USDA-NASS; Claire Boryan, USDA-NASS.
NISS Reception
6 – 8:30pm - Marriott Marquis: Supreme Court
2022 Jerome Sacks Award for Outstanding Cross-Disciplinary Research,
2022 NISS Distinguished Service Award and the
2022 NISS Distinguished Alumni Award
Presentations beginning at 6:30 pm!
7-8:15 AM TL02 in CC-Ballroom Level South #211 Government Statistics Section A.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee), "Combining Visualization Best Practices with Agency Standards for Statistical Graphics in Government Reports", Haley Jeppson, NISS; Brian Habing, NISS; Heike Hofmann, Iowa State University.
8:35 AM - CC-207B #222 - Cross-Disciplinary Research on Health Data Science — Invited Papers, Lingzhou Xue, Organizer/Chair & James L. Rosenberger, Discussant
8:35 AM "Causal Inference Methods in Air Pollution Research". Francesca Dominici, Harvard; Xiao Wu, Stanford.
9:00 AM "Vaccine Safety Surveillance Using Routinely Collected Healthcare Data: An Empirical Evaluation of Epidemiological Designs", Marc A. Suchard, UCLA; Martijn J. Schuemie, Janssen Research & Development.
9:25 AM "Context-Driven Statistical Models for Disease Progression in Cancer Studies", Jeremy Taylor, University of Michigan; Lauren Beesley, University of Michigan; Madeline Abbott, University of Michigan.
8:55 AM – CC-101 #231 - Statistical Methods Under Preferential and Informative Sampling
8:55 AM "Spatial Kriging in the Presence of Informative Sampling Designs", Erin Schliep, University of Missouri; Christopher K. Wikle, University of Missouri; Ranadeep Daw, University of Missouri.
9:15 AM - "An Empirical Evaluation of Alternative Approaches to Adjusting for Attrition When Analyzing Longitudinal Survey Data", Yajuan Si, University of Michigan.
8:50 AM – CC-203AB #250 - Weighting and Variance Estimation in Complex Samples "Uncertainty Assessment of Finite-Population Medians Under Complex Sampling Designs". Luca Sartore, NISS/USDA-NASS; Habtamu Benecha, USDA-NASS; Valbona Bejleri, USDA-NASS; Lu Chen, NISS/USDA-NASS.
11:15 AM - CC-150A #273 - Alignment, Accuracy, Precision: Comparing and Combining Data from Multiple Sources "A Bayesian Small Area Model for County-Level Cash Rental Rates". Lu Chen, NISS/USDA-NASS; Balgobin Nandram, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
10:30-NOON - #7 CC-Hall D #287 Contributed Poster Presentations: Government Statistics Section "Student Insights into Graphical Innovation for Educational and Government Reports", Brian Habing, NISS; Haley Jeppson, NISS.
7-8:15 AM – WL04 - CC-Ballroom Level South #358 - Social Statistics Section A.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee) "Gun Violence Research Designs Needed to Combat Myths About Police Shootings and Safety", James Landis Rosenberger, NISS & Penn State University.
9:15 AM – CC-204A #375 - Causal Estimand in Clinical Trials "Estimands & Their Estimators for Clinical Trials Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic", Kelly Van Lancker, Johns Hopkins University, BSPH and Ghent University, Belgium; Sergey Tarima, Medical College of Wisconsin; Jonathan Bartlett, University of Bath; Madeline Bauer, Division of Infectious Diseases, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California; Bharani Bharani-Dharan, Novartis Pharmaceuticals; Frank Bretz, Novartis; Nancy Flournoy, University of Missouri; Hege Michiels, Ghent University; Camila Olarte Parra, University of Bath; James L. Rosenberger, NISS & Penn State University; Suzie Cro, Imperial Clinical Trials Unit, Imperial College London.
11:20 AM – CC-143A #430 - Record Linkage and Auxiliary Data Sources
11:20 AM "Automatic Imputation for an Area Survey", Tara Murphy, USDA-NASS; Arthur Rosales, USDA-NASS; Luca Sartore, NISS/USDA-NASS; Denise A. Abreu, USDA-NASS.
11:35 AM "Extending the Dual-System Estimation for the Census of Agriculture". Habtamu Benecha, USDA-NASS; Luca Sartore, NISS/USDA-NASS; Grace Yoon, USDA-NASS; Bruce A. Craig, Purdue University; Denise A. Abreu, USDA-NASS; Linda J Young, USDA-NASS.