[Please Note: This event has already occurred. Go to the News Story to read about what happened and to access a recording and speaker slides.]
The Academic Affiliates Committee and NISS Graduate Student Network has planned a webinar that focuses on how to negotiate an academic job offer.
NISS has already recently organized two academic career fairs where department chairs and other experienced faculty have discussed how to apply for a position and shared tips and advice about job talks and the interview process. But what happens when you get that academic job offer! This webinar has once again reached out to several experienced faculty from a variety of different departments to talk about the follow-up, i.e., "What do you do after you receive an offer?", "How do you choose between the offers?", "What should be the deciding factors in negotiating an offer?" and once you have the job, "How do you start collaborations?"
Each speaker will give a talk for 15-20 minutes which will be followed by a Q&A period.
The panelists for this event include:
Richard De Veaux (Williams College)
Galin Jones (University of Minnesota)
Bhramar Mukherjee (University of Michigan)
Session Moderator
Esra Kurum (University of California, Riverside)
If you are, or are going to be, on the job market, or if you already have offers in hand - then this is a session not to be missed!
Register for this Event Here!
About the Speakers
Richard De Veaux is the C. Carlisle and Margaret Tippit Class of ’42 Professor of Statistics, and Chair, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. He is an applied statistician interested in data mining methodology and its application to problems in science and industry. He is also a statistics educator interested in understanding how statistical concepts are best communicated. Among his many professional accomplishments, he is the author of several introductory and business statistics textbooks, was elected Member of the International Statistical Institute, 2012, was named the Mosteller Statistician of the Year, 2008 by the Boston Chapter of the American Statistical Association and was elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association in 1998.
Galin Jones is Professor and Director, School of Statistics; Director of the Institute for Research on Statistics and its Applications; and Director of Commons for Social Science Research at the University of Minnesota. His research interests include Markov chain Monte Carlo, theory and foundations of statistics, metascience, and applications in astronomy, neuroimaging, and ecology. He has served as PI on external grants from NSF, NIH, and ONR. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association.
Bhramar Mukherjee is John D. Kalbfleisch Collegiate Professor and Chair, Department of Biostatistics; Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Professor, Global Public Health, University of Michigan (UM) School of Public Health; Research Professor and Core Faculty Member, Michigan Institute of Data Science (MIDAS), University of Michigan. She also serves as the Associate Director for Quantitative Data Sciences, University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center. She is the cohort development core co-director in the University of Michigan’s institution-wide Precision Health Initiative. Her research interests include statistical methods for analysis of electronic health records, studies of gene-environment interaction, Bayesian methods, shrinkage estimation, analysis of multiple pollutants. Collaborative areas are mainly in cancer, cardiovascular diseases, reproductive health, exposure science and environmental epidemiology. She has co-authored more than 200 publications in statistics, biostatistics, medicine and public health and is serving as PI on NSF and NIH funded methodology grants. She is the founding director of the University of Michigan’s summer institute on Big Data. Bhramar is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She is the recipient of many awards for her scholarship, service and teaching at the University of Michigan and beyond.
Esra Kurum (Moderator), is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics, earned her Ph.D. in Statistics from the Pennsylvania State University. Before joining UCR, she was a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases at Yale University. Her research areas include analysis of survival and longitudinal data, change-point models, copula-based modeling, and semiparametric and nonparametric regression models. Her main research interest is in model building for repeated measures/ longitudinal data and jointly modeling mixed outcomes such as survival and longitudinal responses. More specifically, she works on modeling time-varying trends in data and exploring relationships between variables that change over time. During her postdoctoral training, she started working on building models for infectious diseases and studying vaccine impacts. Some of her applied work includes modeling the time-varying relationship between several stimuli and urge to smoke in smoking cessation studies, the association between HIV progression and smoking status, and the effects of the pneumococcal vaccine in developing countries.
Event Type
- NISS Hosted
- NISS Sponsored