Bruce A Craig is Professor of Statistics and Director of Purdue's Statistical Consulting Service. He received his BS in mathematics and economics from Washington University in St. Louis and his PhD in statistics from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Statistical Association and has served as Chair of the Section on Statistical Consulting.
His research interests broadly focus on the development of novel statistical methodology to address problems in the life science, often utilizing Bayesian hierarchical models to describe the various sources of variability. Current areas of interest include diagnostic testing, bioequivalence/agreement studies, personalized medicine, high-dimensional classification and regression, and non-invasive capture/recapture. He is an active member (and Advisor the last seven years) of the USDA coordinating committee NCCC-170, which consists of statisticians from land-grant universities and agricultural research stations who focus efforts on the development of educational materials to promote the implementation of sound statistical practice. He has published over 125 peer-reviewed articles and the co-author of two introductory statistics textbooks.