MBI Workshop 2: Math and the Microbiome

October 10 - 12, 2018

From the bacteria in our guts, to microbes involved in biodegradation and crop growth, to viruses in the ocean, some of Earth’s tiniest organisms play some of the most important roles in global health, food production, and climate change. Advances in metagenomic sequencing technology including 16S, viromics, and mycobiomics - along with metabolomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics allow us to characterize these complex microbial communities and begin to understand their functions....  Read More

Workshop Goals

In this 3 day workshop, participants will take a genome to phonome approach with broad perspectives provided by mathematicians, biologists, and statisticians. We will also develop interdisciplinary working subgroups to consider the questions, challenges, tools, and needs of data integration and modeling in microbiome studies. Each participant will present a short talk (5 minutes, 3 slides) highlighting his or her research, perspectives, and challenges. The goal is to help develop a broadly collaborative community of math-enabled microbiome scientists with common research goals.



Adriana Dawes - Department of Mathematics / Department of Molecular Genetics, The Ohio State University
Vanessa Hale - Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, The Ohio State University
Matthew Sullivan - Department of Microbiology, The Ohio State University


Jason Papin - Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia
Katrine Whiteson

Event Type


The Mathematical Biosciences Institute


National Institute of Statistical Sciences


United States
MBI Workshop 2: Math and the Microbiome