The Division of Biostatistics in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine was established in 2003 to fulfill three goals: 1) develop and apply innovative statistical and computational approaches to advance biomedical research, 2) collaborate with investigators in a broad range of fields including cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurology, and infectious diseases, and 3) provide educational and training opportunities in quantitative methods to the next generation of physicians and scientists.
The Division of Biostatistics includes over 20 doctoral and masters level statisticians. Biostatistics faculty receive grants from the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, Centers for Disease Controls, and other federal funding agencies to conduct methodological research in clinical trials, epidemiology, experimental design, survival analysis, diagnostic test evaluation, imaging studies, and statistical genetics and genomics. Other areas of interest include missing data methods, casual inference, and comparative effectiveness research.
Department Head
Mimi Kim
Primary Liaison
Alternate Liaison
Early Career Liaison