The theme of the 2018 Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM) hosted by the American Statistical Association is #LeadWithStatistics. The conference will cover topics ranging from statistical applications to methodology and theory to the expanding boundaries of statistics, such as analytics and data science. The 2018 JSM Conference will be held at the Vancouver Convention Centre from July 28 to August 2, 2018.
NISS has organized two invited sessions at the conference. The first session is the Jerry Sacks Award session focused on Genomics and the second session is on Big Data. Four distinguished speakers will be speaking at each of these two sessions. An additional topic-contributed session is also proposed in which NISS current and former postdocs will be speaking about their work. More information about these sessions will be available very soon.
"We will be showcasing our expansion plans at the 2018 JSM," says James Rosenberger, NISS Director. He adds, "NISS is aiming to reach beyond the traditional statistical sciences to become the catalyst for maintaining statistical ideas and thinking as part of the big data and data science movement."
NISS will also have a booth at the JSM 2018. The booth is an opportunity for JSM visitors to meet NISS Board members and senior Affiliate Liaisons and also chat with Junior Liaisons from NISS Affiliates to learn about NISS activities. Also, it is a great opportunity to learn how to become a NISS Affiliate and to learn about the NISS Postdoctoral Program. "Please stop by and visit us at our booth to express your preference for new opportunities and/or locations for NISS activities," Rosenberger adds.
The NISS Annual Reception is traditionally held at the JSM Conference. Each year, the Jerome Sacks Award for Cross-Disciplinary Research is presented at the JSM NISS Reception. This award honors Jerry Sacks, who was the first Director of NISS and a distinguished statistician who made significant contributions to the Statistics bridge theory, methodology and collaborative science and engineering. Sacks Award Nominations can still be made until April 1. More information about the event will be announced on our JSM event page.