Statistical Perspectives of Uncertainty Quantification 2017

Monday, May 29, 2017 - 8:30am to Wednesday, May 31, 2017 - 4:59pm

We are pleased to announce that the Statistical Perspectives of Uncertainty Quantification 2017 workshop will be held at the Georgia Tech Hotel, Atlanta, GA on May 29-30, 2017.

The workshop will focus on statistical and mathematical aspects of uncertainty quantification (UQ) of complex computational models. Click here for more program details.

Registration for the workshop is still open! 


Monday, May 29, 2017

Time Session Event
7:30-8:30   Continental Breakfast
8:30-9:00   Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:00-10:30 Session 1 Computer Experiments: Early Work and Recent Developments
Organizer: Peter Qian
Michael Stein – University of Chicago
Art Owen – Stanford University
Tom Santner – Ohio State University
10:30-11:00   Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Session 2 Calibration of Models under Uncertainty
Organizer: Matthew Plumlee
Daniel Apley – Northwestern University
Oksana Chkrebtii – Ohio State University
Rui Tuo – Chinese Academy of Sciences
12:30-2:00   Lunch
14:00-15:30 Session 3 Applied Math, Engineering and Computation
Organizer: Dave Higdon
Paul Constantine – Colorado School of Mines
Akil Narayan – University of Utah
Clayton Webster – ORNL
15:30-16:00   Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Session 4 Session 4: UQ in Action
Organizer: Ben Haaland
Hendrik Hamann – IBM
Johannes Hoetzer – KIT
Bill Myers – P&G
17:30-19:00   Poster Presentation
19:00-21:00   Banquet Dinner

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Time Session Event
7:30-8:30   Continental Breakfast
8:30-10:00 Session 5 UQ in Emulation, Simulation, and Calibration
Organizer: Roshan Joseph
Jim Berger – Duke University
Bani Mallick – Texas A&M University
Barry Nelson – Northwestern University.
10:00-10:30   Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 Session 6 UQ and Model-based Applications
Organizer: Dave Higdon
Marc Genton – KAUST
Sez Atamturktur – Clemson University
Salman Habib – ANL
12:00-13:30   Lunch
13:30-15:00 Session 7 UQ for Complex Problems
Organizer: Peter Qian
Derek Bingham – Simon Fraser University
Antony Overstall – University of Southampton
Peter Marcy – LANL
15:00-15:30   Coffee Break
15:30-17:00 Session 8 Engineering Applications
Simon Mak – Georgia Tech
Matthew Plumlee – University of Michigan
Peter Qian – University of Wisconsin


Event Type


Georgia Tech College of Engineering




Georgia Tech Hotel
United States