NISS Launches New Website

The National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS), an independent research institute through which the statistics community serves the nation, is pleased to announce a major redesign and improvement of its website,

Along with an attractive new design and layout, the new website is easier to navigate and features ,news and updates about the organization, a calendar of events with online registration, profiles of NISS affiliates and postdoctoral fellows, and much more. The new website also functions as a comprehensive source for information and resources for the statistical community. In addition, the web site provides clear paths for statistical scientists and others to become engaged in the programs and activities of NISS.

"We were pleased to work with Design Hammer, Inc., web design firm based in Durham, NC, whose experience matched our needs perfectly." commented Alan Karr, director of NISS, "We are very happy to have a website that uses an open-source content management database system. This will make it much easier to add new content to the website, and we will be able to add new features as they are needed in the future. And none of this could have happened without the efforts of three NISS staff-communications director Jamie Nunnelly, webmaster Katherine Kantner and computer systems manager James Thomas."

About NISS
The National Institute of Statistical Sciences was established in 1990 by the national statistics societies and the Research Triangle universities and organizations, with the mission to identify, catalyze and foster high-impact, cross-disciplinary and cross-sector research involving the statistical sciences. NISS is dedicated to strengthening and serving the national statistics community, most notably by catalyzing community members' participation in applied research driven by challenges facing government and industry. NISS also provides career development opportunities for statisticians and scientists, especially those in the formative stages of their careers. NISS is located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
For more information about NISS, go to the new website

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009 by Jamie Nunnelly