NISS/SAMSI Affiliates Dinner at JSM 2015

Sunday, August 9, 2015 - 6:00pm to Monday, August 10, 2015 - 7:59pm


The NISS/SAMSI Affiliates will gather at JSM 2015 on Sunday, August 9, 2015.


6:00PM Mix and Mingle
6:20 Dinner Buffet Opens
6:45 Dinner Program Begins. Introduction to the “Challenging Problems” session.

Confirmed speakers are:

Sid Dalal (AIG)

Sid Dalal joined the Science Team in September of 2013. He comes to AIG from RAND Corporation where he served as CTO, and where he pioneered several new systems for conducting research. Sid also served as VP of Research at Xerox overseeing their worldwide imaging and software services research, and Bell Laboratories and Bellcore/SAIC/Telcordia Technologies, where he served as Chief Scientist and Executive Director. Sid is also currently an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University, teaching graduate level courses on Data Mining. Sid received an MBA and a Ph.D. from the University of Rochester and has published more than 100 peer reviewed publications, patents and monographs covering the areas of risk analysis, medical informatics Bayesian statistics and economics, image processing and sensor networks. He was also responsible for the creation of technology and spinning off of Praedicat, Inc., an insurance analytics company in casualty space, from RAND Corporation. Sid is also a member of US Army Science Board, an advisory board of 20 scientists appointed by Secretary of Defense to advise US Army on technology. Sid has received several awards including from IEEE, ASA and ASQ.

Mike Brick (Westat)
The Non-Probability Sampling Explosion

Dr. Brick is a senior statistician, a Westat Vice President, co-Director of the Survey Methods Unit, and Associate Director of the Statistical Staff. He concentrates on sample design and estimation for large surveys, the theory and practice of telephone surveys, address-based sampling, the techniques of quality management and survey quality control, nonresponse and bias evaluation, and survey methodology. Dr. Brick has contributed to the statistical and substantive aspects of numerous studies and to statistical methodology research in several areas, including health, establishment, education, transportation, and product injury studies. Dr. Brick is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, an elected member of the International Statistical Institute, and a research professor in the Joint Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland.

Satrajit Roychoudhury (Novartis Pharmaceutical Company)
Oncology Clinical Development: Recent Challenges and Opportunities

Satrajit Roychoudhury is Group Head of Statistical Methodology in Oncology division, Novartis Pharma. He has 9 years of experience with all phase clinical trials. His main collaborative efforts focus promoting statistical innovation in Oncology clinical development and facilitate conversation with health authorities around world (e.g., FDA, EMEA) in this context. His areas of expertise include use of Bayesian methods in clinical trial and evidence synthesis. He is in Novartis since 2009. Prior to joining Novartis he worked as research scientist in Schering Plough Research Institute. He obtained his PhD degree in Mathematical Sciences from New Jersey Institute of Technology and Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.

7:45 Conversation time


Affiliate Liaisons and Associate Liaisons are guests of NISS.

Event Type


Washington State Convention Center - ROOM CC-303
United States