NISS Affiliates Technology Day: Data Confidentiality 2003

Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 8:30am to Friday, November 21, 2003 - 12:59pm

Description. This is one in a continuing series of NISS Affiliates Technology Days whose purpose is to provide:

Early, in-depth access to completed and ongoing NISS research, in this case on data confidentiality (DC), especially to Federal agency and corporate affiliates.

Opportunity for all NISS affiliates to inform the future course of the research, and to partner in future research, through proposals, affiliate-funded projects or other forms of collabora-tion. In particular, faculty and graduate students from university affiliates will be able join teams to pursue the research issues and funding.

The topic is Data Confidentiality, which NISS has been addressing for several years under the auspices of the Digital Government (DG) projects. Detailed information is available here.

All NISS affiliates are eligible to use their Affiliates Reimbursement Accounts to meet the costs of attendance.


9:30 AM Welcome and Introductions

9:45 Introduction and Overview, Alan Karr, NISS

10:00 The NISS Data Swapping Toolkit, Ashish Sanil, NISS

10:45 Break

11:00 Tabular Data: Releases of Conditionals and Marginals, Aleksandra Slavkovic, Carnegie Mellon University

11:45 Cyclic Perturbation: Protecting Confidentiality in Tabular Data, Steve Roehrig, Carnegie Mellon University

12:30 P Lunch

1:30 Disclosure Risk and Data Utility for Remote Access Servers, Jerome Reiter, Duke University

2:15 Secure Data Integration,  Alan Karr

2:45 Future Plans, Alan Karr

3:00 Adjournment


Event Type


Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington DC
United States