NISS Capstone Projects

A NISS Capstone Project in Statistical & Data Sciences is a great way for your company or agency to help students help you. A creative group of students and mentors who work collaboratively in teams on a project sponsored by you.

Criteria All projects are centered around using data to solve real-world problems. This experience is meant to demonstrate student's mastery of a subject or field, how to integrate and apply that knowledge and skills gained toward your problem. Are you ready to tackle projects involving statistical modeling, data visualization, web scraping, web or mobile app development, database development, etc. then let NISS put a team together for you.

Capstone projects can range from independent research projects, experiments or prototypes, community service projects, and learning initiatives/activities.

Make sure your project is:

  1. Challenging but not impossible
  2. Bound by term (set term/duration)
  3. Has some public/open-source exposure/allows for self/team-promotion
  4. Aims to make the world a better place through your research in some way

Building the Team

2-500 NISS Affiliate students, preference given to senior majors in statistical & data sciences with foundational training in statistics, computer programming, data visualization, data wrangling, communication, and ethics.

End Result: possible outcomes vary, but might very well be a well constructed statistical model, a publishable research paper, an internal white paper, a web application, or whatever else seems appropriate for your project.

You can learn more about the NISS Capstone Project at the following link

What’s in it for you?: You acquire firsthand knowledge and insight into how these highly-motivated and capable students work in groups, take instruction, show leadership skills, handle pressure, etc. Students get insight into how your company/agency works and what is expected of them working as a statistician and/or data scientist in your company/agency. We cannot promise a miracle solution, but offer a worthy attempt!

A sponsored project will provide you with:

  • dedicated attention to your project
  • access to possible recruiting
  • networking, goodwill and great PR
  • a well thought-out, substantive attempt to solve your problem
  • insight from young minds, with respected leadership, into novel ways to address your issue

What is required of you?

Each capstone iteration starts and ends on the timeline agreed upon. If you are interested in sponsoring a project, we’ll need:

  1. Your Project Lead (the Project Lead must be someone in your organization who is willing to serve as a contact person to interact)
  2. Project Lead Email
  3. Project Title
  4. Project Description
  5. Estimated Duration

Reach out to for more information and for submission inquiries.