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On Tuesday, January 29th NISS Affiliates gathered to listen to two experienced and distinguished individuals talk about their experience and advice about ways to go about improving how they go about communicating statistical information.   The first speaker was Christy Chuang... more
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The December NISS-Merck Meet up was featured as a news story in the January 2019 issue of AMSTAT News. From the article: "Big data, real-world data (RWD), and observational data have become ubiquitous and essential components of the drug development and commercialization process.... more
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Over the lunch hour on Wednesday, October 10, Mimi Kim, Head of the Division of Biostatistics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and NISS Board member presided as moderator for four accomplished statisticians from the private sector, academia and government.  The topic up for... more
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NISS uncovered a gem when Andreea was hired as a research associate!  Having always had an interest and aptitude for mathematics, it wasn’t until she was an undergraduate at Colorado State University that she originally realized that statistics was more than just a subfield of mathematics.... more
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The Department of Mathematics & Statistics at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro has been hosting the International Conference on Advances in Interdisciplinary Statistics and Combinatorics (AISC), a biennial event, since 2007. AISC 2018 was held at the Elliot University... more
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The 2018 Women in Statistics and Data Science (WSDS) Conference is an amazing opportunity to gain knowledge from the statistics community, build communities with fellow attendees, and learn about how to gain influence in our work as statisticians. The conference was organized around these three... more
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A meet-up is an online get together of people who have a common interest.  NISS and Merck have found a large audience and many topics that have interested quite a few! To date there have been four meet-ups averaging nearly 300 attendees calling in per event! The format is usually a... more
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On September 22, Amherst College hosted the national STATFest conference that encourages underrepresented students to pursue statistics and data science careers. STATFest is an ongoing initiative by the American Statistical Association through its Committee on Minorities in Statistics and is held... more
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An R & Spark short course took place in the SAMSI offices on September 21-22, 2018.  The workshop was well attended and very timely in terms of content, and everything went smoothly as planned!  The participants (mostly graduate students from the local universities in Research... more
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Session Chair and Organizer, Lingzhou Xue, NISS Assistant Director, opened the NISS Sponsored session entitled, “Big Data Statistical Challenges and Opportunities in Industry” by welcoming speakers and attendees.  The session certainly generated much interest.  Attendees stood in the back... more
