University of Georgia Hosted the 6th NOGGINS Workshop

6th NOGGINS Workshop In Progress

On April 13th the Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Group at the University of Georgia (UGA) hosted the 6th NOGGINS (Network of Greater Georgia Institutions for Neuroimaging and Statistics) workshop at the Special Collection Library at UGA. There were 28 participants from both UGA and Emory University at the workshop.  Speakers included:

  • Arunava Samaddar, Statistics, UGA
  • Yi Hong, Computer Science, UGA
  • Brooke Jackson, Psychology, UGA
  • Timothy Johnson (Key note speaker), Biostatistics, University of Michigan
  • Courtney Burton, Psychology, UGA
  • Benjamin Risk, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Emory University
  • Chul Moon, Statistics, UGA
  • Ling-Yu Huang, Psychology, UGA

NISS co-sponsored this event.



Monday, April 16, 2018 by Glenn Johnson