NISS Writing Workshop Featured in AMSTAT News!

The 2020 NISS Virtual Writing Workshop for Early Researchers was featured in the October Issue of AMSTAT News.

The National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) has been hosting the Writing Workshop for Early Researchers since 2007.

This year was no different, right? Well, ... yes, and no.  

Yes - this workshop was the same valuable experience!

Each year, in conjunction with JSM, NISS gathers a host of senior authors, editors, grant writers/reviewers—individuals who take valuable time out of their day to share their advice and experiences with a group of junior faculty and early researchers.  Evidence of the value of this workshop experience can be judged by 1) the number of experienced, senior statisticians, authors and editors that have volunteered years for on end to share their wisdom and advice and 2) the number of session contributors that were once actual participants in the workshop!

No - this workshop was different!

As you know, JSM went virtual this year. So did the writing workshop.  This added a different dimension, that in retrospect added some unintended bonuses for participants.  First, it meant participants who might not have been able to travel to Philadelphia (even under normal circumstances) were able to participate. For instance, there were several attending the workshop from countries outside the US!  And, what also made this workshop a bit different than other larger webinars NISS has hosted lately is that participants in this smaller workshop atmosphere were able to literally ‘raise their hand’ and use their microphone to ask questions of the speakers live which made for a much more interactive experience.

NISS would like to thank AMSTAT News for sharing the news story about the workshop with its readership. 

It is never too late to think about who might benefit next from this workshop at JSM 2021.  Keep your eye on the NISS website or subscribe to our newsletter for all of the latest information about this and other professional development activities!

Read the complete story in AMSTAT News!

Friday, October 16, 2020 by Glenn Johnson