NISS at a Virtual JSM in 2020! Check Your Schedule!

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Despite JSM being virtual this year, NISS still has a number of sessions on the schedule! 

Here is the scoop!  As you put your virtual schedule together for JSM this year, make sure you don't forget about these important sessions!

First, NISS has organized two important sessions that are a product of previous and planned Ingram Olkin Forum topics; the data and research around gun control and the opiod crisis.

In addition, NISS Research Associates and Research Fellows present the important research they have been involved in.

Here is the session information you will find helpful about these NISS related JSM presentations. 

Mon, 8/3/2020, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Methodological Developments and Implications for Social Scientists — Contributed Papers,

NISS Research Fellow Ya Mo will present a talk based on her joint work with Nell entitled: "The Impact of Writing Prompts on the Writing Performance of English Language Learners".

Those included in this work include: Ya Mo, Boise State University; Qizhen Deng, Boise State University; Katherine Wright, Boise State University; Nell Sedransk, National Institute of Statistical Sciences

Mon, 8/3/2020, 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM

Invited Panel Session: Statistical Issues of Gun Safety and Opioid Epidemic 

National Institute of Statistical Sciences, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, Caucus for Women in Statistics
Organizer(s): Lingzhou Xue, Penn State University and NISS
Chair(s): Nancy Flournoy, University of Missouri-Columbia

Panelists include:    

Stephanie Lanza, Penn State University
Sally Morton, Virginia Tech
James Rosenberger, National Institute of Statistical Sciences
Erica Smith, Bureau of Justice Statistics
Jerome Sacks, National Institute of Statistical Sciences

2:40 PM    Floor Discussion

Tue, 8/4/2020, 1:25 PM - 1:45 PM

Extreme Machine Learning Methods and Applications: Domestic and International — Topic Contributed Papers

NISS Research Associated Luca Sartore will present: "Empirical data-fusion approaches to generate model covariates"

Contributors to this paper include: Luca Sartore, National Institute of Statistical Sciences; Jake Abernethy, NASS; Claire Boryan, USDA; Lu Chen, USDA; Kevin Hunt, USDA; Clifford H Spiegelman, Texas A&M University; Linda J Young, NASS.

Tue, 8/4/2020, 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM 

Invited Paper Session:  Data and Challenges for Unraveling Gun Violence

Organizer: Jana Lynn Asher, Slippery Rock University
Chair: James Rosenberger, National Institute of Statistical Sciences

1:05 PM    "An Overview of Statistical Issues (and Opportunities) in Studying Gun Violence", Elizabeth Stuart, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

1:30 PM    "The Role of Individual Officer Characteristics in Police Shootings", Greg Ridgeway, University of Pennsylvania

1:55 PM    "Which handgun owners are at highest risk of suicide", Yifan Zhang, Stanford University

2:20 PM    "Place-Based Field Experiments to Test Gun Violence Reduction Strategies", John MacDonald, University of Pennsylvania

2:45 PM    Floor Discussion

Wed, 8/5/2020  10:25 – 10:45 AM

Data Integration in 21st Century Government Surveys — Topic Contributed Papers

NISS Research Associate Lu Chen will present "Hierarchical Bayesian Model with Inequality Constraints for County-Level Planted Acreage Estimates"

Contributors to this paper include: Lu Chen, National Institute of Statistical Sciences; Balgobin Nandram, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Nathan B. Cruze, NASS, USDA

Also presenting at this session at 10:45 AM

NISS Research Fellow Yajuan Si from the University of Michigan.  Her paper is entitled: "Statistical Integration and Inference via Multilevel Regression and Poststratification".

Wed, 8/5/2020, 10:30 – 10:55 AM

The New Era of Ecological Statistics, Section on Statistics and the Environment

NISS Research Fellow Erin Schliep from the University of Missouri will present her paper entitled: "The Scope of Statistical Methods in Ecology: A Case Study in Sports".

Tuesday, July 7, 2020 by Glenn Johnson