NISS Loses a Colleague and Friend...

Professor Allan Sampson, University of Pittsburgh

Professor Allan Sampson, University of Pittsburgh

It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Professor Allan Sampson.  Allan Sampson was Professor of Statistics at the University of Pittsburgh.  He passed away on January 30, 2021.  He was a beloved colleague, mentor, and ardent supporter of NISS.  He most recently served on the Ingram Olkin Forum Committee and was Chair of the Organizing Committee for the inaugural Ingram Olkin Forum entitled "Gun Violence - The Statistical Issues" that was held in June of 2019.  He will be remembered fondly for his contributions in helping to make this impactful series of forums available for the NISS community.

Statement and details regarding a virtual event in Allan's honor from the Department of Statistics, University of Pittsburgh

Monday, February 1, 2021 by Glenn Johnson