First NISS Graduate Student Network Meetup at JSM

GSN Exec Committee Members Manqi Cai, (Pitt) , Rebecca Kurtz-Garcia, (UC Riverside) and Hannah Waddel, (Emory) welcome attendees at the first GSN Meetup at JSM along with Faculty Steering Committee  Member Sumanta Basu (Cornell).The room was packed for the first NISS Graduate Student Meetup at JSM - certain to become an annual event!

The NISS Graduate Student Network held its own reception at JSM this year and it is certain to become an annual event!  

The overall goal of the NISS Graduate Student Network is to create connections among graduate students from different academic institutions within the NISS Affiliates Program. Over the last year a diverse assortment of valued and well attended activities were organized to help students tackle challenges of graduate programs and help with their future careers. Speakers have been selected to share with students their work experience or internships they were involved in.

In fact, for the second year a research conference was organized and held by the students in this network that provided members with an opportunity to present something that they have been working on in a relatively low keyed atmosphere. NISS Affiliate Procter & Gamble helped to sponsor the most recent research conference this past Spring.

Graduate students from any NISS Affiliate are welcome to participate in the NISS Graduate Student Network!  In this network you will be able to attend events specifically geared towards graduate students that are studying statistics/biostatistics. You will be able to network with other students who will have similar experiences as you through social events, the discussion board, alumni meetings, workshops, and more! There are also plenty of opportunities to participate, help organize, or even lead activities in this network for graduate students. Please the contact us usingthe link below to join our email list and participate in this networks activities.

Please browse a Photo Album of images from this first GSN Meetup.

Thursday, August 18, 2022 by Glenn Johnson