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Stephen E. Fienberg, 74, passed away on December 14, 2016. Steve was a remarkable statistician whose impact was extraordinary in the space where data, statistical theory, and social, scientific and policy problems touch.  He saw statistics as a tool to bring clarity to thinkers, researchers... more
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Prominent British statistician Sir David Cox has been named the inaugural recipient of the International Prize in Statistics. Like the acclaimed Fields Medal, Abel Prize, Turing Award and Nobel Prize, the International Prize in Statistics is considered the highest honor in its field. It will... more
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ALEXANDRIA, VA (November 14, 2016) – More and more public and private sector employers are adding statisticians and data analysts to their ranks but are having a difficult time finding qualified candidates, according to a new national survey released today by the Society for Human Resource... more
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It is with a heavy heart that we announce that Larry Cox, former NISS Assistant Director, passed away June 1 after a prolonged illness. Larry was one of the pioneers of statistical disclosure control, especially for tabular data protection. He worked at the Center for Disease Control for many years... more
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Congratulations to NISS Board member Rebecca Doerge who will become the new dean of the Mellon College of Science at Carnegie Mellon University, effective Aug. 1. Doerge also will hold joint faculty appointments in the Department of Biological Sciences in the Mellon College of Science and the... more
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Research Fellow Enis Dogan has developed some presentations for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) that highlights the research NISS has conducted recently. See the presentations attached here.
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(Much thanks to Jerry Sacks and Dan Solomon for their contributions to this story.) Long time supporter of NISS, Ingram Olkin, passed away on April 28 at the age of 91. Dr. Olkin was Professor Emeritus of Statistics and Education at Stanford University. Olkin received his undergraduate degree... more
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Some of you may remember former NISS postdoc John Aston. He was a postdoc for NISS during 2002-04, and was based at Census Bureau headquarters in Suitland, MD. John studied at Cambridge University for his undergraduate degree in mathematics, then spent half his time at Imperial College of London... more
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By Raymond P. Bain, PhD Clinical Trial Design A clinical research design “toolbox” consists of both observational and interventional designs.  A clinical trial is a prospective study comparing the effect of one or more interventions against a control intervention on a pre-specified... more
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The following was written by David Banks, Professor of Statistics at Duke University and member of the NISS Board of Trustees. Survey science is a lot like global warming. We all realize that we are watching a slow-motion disaster, but very little is being done to manage the consequences. The... more
