
News Category:
NISS recently welcomed two members to the NISS Board of Trustees. Victor S.Y. Lo Victor S.Y. Lo is a seasoned Big Data, Marketing, Risk, and Finance leader & innovator with over two decades of extensive consulting and corporate experience employing data-driven... more
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Share a Flyer with Colleagues! WRITING IS IMPORTANT! The ability to write well is critical in the professional life of statisticians. Research can only be valued when it is communicated to other researchers, and this is done broadly through peer-reviewed publications. An inability to write... more
News Category:
General Announcement
On Friday, May 3rd at 10 am Dr. Jan Hannig will be giving a talk at the Duke University School of Medicine.  The title of his talk is "Data Integration Via Analysis of Subspaces (DIVAS)".   Dr. Hannig is a board member of the National Institute of Statistical Sciences. Abstract... more
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The NISS Affiliates Committee held the third of its virtual meet-ups on April 23.  The first two meet-ups targeted landing a job and improving communication skills.  This last meet-up asked experienced and veteran statisticians, from three very different academic environments, what their... more
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On April 1, 2019, 352 statisticians, epidemiologists and biostatisticians spent a long lunch hour together listening to speakers share examples and talk about their experiences with real-world data.  This was a follow-up to a first meet-up that was held back on October 4, 2018 on this... more
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A little over 30 statisticians from government, industry, and academia attended the half-day NISS workshop, “Using Surveys to Improve the Representativeness of Nonprobability Samples in Epidemiologic Studies” at BLS’s Janet Norwood Conference and Training Center on March 11.   Four major... more
News Category:
General Announcement
Did you know that the NISS website has a section of it reserved for the posting of job announcements for all affiliates?  It can’t hurt to share your announcement with other organizations associated with NISS or other visitors to our website.  There are couple of ways you can get this... more
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About 25 individuals, mostly from various government agencies in and around the Washington, D.C. area, recently came together for a two-day workshop taught by Dr. James Harner at the Bureau of Labor Statistic's conference and training center. The workshop focuses on the data science process of... more
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Michael Robbins, Statistician and Researcher at Rand Corporation and former NISS PostDoc Fellow from 2009 to 2011, was recently the recipient of a major NSF grant entitled “BIGDATA: IA: A Multi-phase Survey Strategy for Generalizing Inferences from Big Data”. This project will develop new... more
News Category:
Press Release
Candyce Hughes has significant experience in project management, operations and organizational planning. Prior to joining NISS, Candyce served for four years as the Director of Administration at Sirona Strategies and prior to that she was the Director of Management Operations at St. Elizabeth’s... more
