Past Events

Event Date:
Friday, December 4, 2020 3 pm ET
Event Type:
NISS Sponsored
Benign Overfitting Speaker Peter Bartlett, (UC Berkeley) Abstract Classical theory that guides the design of nonparametric prediction methods like deep neural networks involves a tradeoff between the fit to the training data and the complexity of the prediction rule. Deep learning seems to operate... more
Event Date:
Thursday, December 3rd, 2020 12-1pm ET (9-10am PT)
Event Type:
NISS Hosted, NISS Sponsored
[Please Note: This session has already occurred.  Go to the News Story for this event to read about and to access a recording and speaker slides from the session.] The Statistics of COVID-19 Vaccine Trials About this Webinar Series The COPSS-NISS COVID-19 Data Science webinar series is co-organized... more
Event Date:
December 2, 2020 1-4 pm ET
Event Type:
NISS Hosted, NISS Sponsored
[Please Note: The Essential Data Science for Business: Causal Inference and Uplift Modeling has already occurred.   Go to the News Story for this event to read about what happened., or... Missed this Event? To gain access to the recording of this event along with links to supporting files and... more
Event Date:
November 30, 2020 1:30 - 3 pm ET
Event Type:
NISS Hosted, NISS Sponsored
[Please Note: This session has already occurred.  Go to the News Story for this event to read about and to access a recording and speaker slides from the session.] Overview The NISS Academic Affiliate Committee is holding a virtual meet-up on November 30, from 1:30-3pm ET, on "How to Present Your... more
Event Date:
November 19, 2020  at 1:00 PM ET
Event Type:
NISS Sponsored
Join us for our first "Meeting with the Alumni" on November 19, 2020  at 10:00 AM Pacific Time.   At this meeting, alumni will be sharing their experiences in the job market and answer your questions. We look forward to seeing you (virtually) there!  Meet with Alumni: Ark Fang (Data Scientist,... more
Event Date:
November 18, 2020 1-4 ET
Event Type:
NISS Hosted, NISS Sponsored
[Please Note: The Essential Data Science for Business: Causal Inference and Uplift Modeling has already occurred.   Go to the News Story for this event to read about what happened., or... Missed this Event? To gain access to the recording of this event along with links to supporting files and... more
Event Date:
November 17, 2020 11am ET
Event Type:
NISS Sponsored
Predicting Disease Risk from Genomics Data Speaker Hongyu Zhao, (Yale University) Abstract Accurate disease risk prediction based on genetic and other factors can lead to more effective disease screening, prevention, and treatment strategies. Despite the identifications of thousands of disease-... more
Event Date:
Friday, November 13, 2020 11am ET
Event Type:
NISS Sponsored
Complexity of High Dimensional Sparse Functions Speaker Ming Yuan, Columbia University Abstract We investigate optimal algorithms for estimating a general high dimensional smooth and sparse function from the perspective of information based complexity. Our algorithms and analyses reveal several... more
Event Date:
November 11, 2020 12 - 1:30 ET
Event Type:
NISS Hosted, NISS Sponsored
[Please Note: This career fair session has already occurred.  Go to the News Story for this event to read about what happened and view the recording.] Nature recently published an article titled "Junior researchers hit by coronavirus-triggered hiring freezes" in June, 2020. This raises so many... more
Event Date:
November 6, 2020 10 - 11:40 Pacific Time
Event Type:
NISS Sponsored
Application of Statistical Inference through Data Science Techniques This is a webinar of the 2020 Orange County Biostatistics Symposium Series to present applications of data science techniques and tools to statistical inference making,  The webinar focuses on various techniques such as machine... more
