Sunday, July 31 from 8:30am-4:30pm Hilton Chicago, Salon C6
Wednesday, August 3 from 8am-12 noon Hilton Chicago, Astoria Room
Wednesday, August 3 from 12:30pm - 2pm HiltonChicago, PDR2
The goal of the Writing Workshop for New Researchers is to provide instruction for writing journal articles and grant proposals. Participants will be required to provide a recent sample of their writing, which will be reviewed by a senior mentor. The sample could be a current draft of an article to be submitted for publication or an early version of a grant proposal. Mentors will be former journal editors and program officers, who will critique the submitted material and provide individual feedback. Participants will be expected to initiate a revision in response with additional feedback from their mentors.
The workshop consists of three sessions plus a final working lunch. The Writing Workshop is designed for researchers with a PhD awarded or anticipated during 2010-2016 in statistics or biostatistics. Attendance at the Writing Workshop will be limited and applicants within 0-3 years post-PhD will receive preference.
Event Type
- NISS Sponsored