NISS Second Virtual Government Career Fair

March 11, 2020 12-1 PM (ET)

[Please Note: This event has already occurred.  Go to the News Story to read about what happened and to access a recording and speaker slides.]

Government institutions have a unique mission when it comes to the data they collect as well as the importance of the research they engage in - especially when it comes to informing policy issues that surround health issues, disease prevention, and health research. 

This event is the fifth in a series of Virtual Career Fairs that NISS is hosting for NISS Affiliates.  This session features opportunities for statisticians/data scientists in three government organizations.  Senior statisticians from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will be on hand to provide attendees with an inside look at the research that statisticians in these organizations get involved in and career opportunities for you to consider!

Each presenter will have 15 minutes to address the following general topics:

  1. What are the job opportunities for statisticians/data scientists/analysts in your organization?
  2. Describe the range of skills statisticians/data scientists/analysts need to succeed in your organization?
  3. What is the career path for statisticians/data scientists/analysts in your organization?
  4. Is your organization currently hiring statisticians/data scientists/analysts?
  5. What advice would you give to students based on your experience?

Previous Virtual Career Fairs

The following Career Fairs have already taken place.  Follow the link to review the advice from senior statisticians in a wide array of sectors!

February 19, 2020 "Advice and Insights Offered During Third NISS Industry Career Fair"

January 8, 2020 -"NISS Government Career Fair Outlines Opportunities for Statisticians!"

December 6, 2019 - "Opportunities in Banking & Marketing Sectors Highlighted in Virtual Career Fair"

September 26, 2019 - "NISS Virtual Career Fair for NISS Affiliates"

Please Note: Attendance at all career fairs is restricted to NISS affiliates only. You can check to see if your institution is a NISS Affiliate on the List of Affiliates NISS web page.

Intended Audience

Students/Faculty (at all levels) from NISS Affiliate Institutions who may be interested in career opportunities in government agencies either now or in the future. The career fair may also be of interest to those who are considering a career change to work in the government.

Registration Process

To register for the virtual career fair, your organization needs to be a NISS affiliate. Please check the list of NISS affiliates to see if your organization is a NISS affiliate. If you qualify to register, please use your .edu, .gov or .com email address when registering.

While the live event is limited to NISS affiliates, NISS will subsequently make video recordings from the fair available to the public at its website ( under Events -> Meet-up Recordings at a later date.

The Career Fair will be conducted using Zoom.   REGISTER TODAY!  


The program for this virtual career fair will be organized as follows:

12:00-12:05         Opening remarks

Esra Kurum, University of California Riverside

12:05-12:20         Simone Gray from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

12:20-12:35         Sylva Collins from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

12:35-12:50         Paul Albert from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

12:50-13:00         Q&A

Moderated by Esra Kurum

About the Presenters

Dr. Simone Gray is a Senior Statistician in the Epidemiology and Applied Research Branch of the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). At CDC, she works on a variety of projects related to surveillance, recurrence, and cancer survivorship. She works with epidemiologists, medical professionals and other public health professions to conduct research across the cancer spectrum from prevention to survivorship. Her current work serves both internal programs and external CDC partners by providing data and analytical support to address emerging issues related to cancer.

Dr. Sylva H. Collins is the Director, Office of Biostatistics at FDA/CDER.   She is responsible for all aspects of the statistical review of regulatory applications for new drugs, therapeutic biologics, generic drugs and biosimilars.  To support CDER’s mission, the Office of Biostatistics provides statistical leadership, expertise, and advice to ensure that safe and effective drugs are available to the American people.  Dr. Collins joined the FDA in August 2019. She brings more than 30 years of drug development experience and biostatistics leadership to her position. Prior to joining the FDA, Sylva was Vice President of Biometrics at ACADIA Pharmaceuticals leading all aspects of statistical design and analysis of clinical trials, statistical programming and clinical data management. She has emphasized standardization and automation to accelerate clinical development. She pioneered the large-scale deployment of electronic data capture at multiple companies including Bayer and Novartis. She implemented standardization of biometrics systems and processes for large pharma organizations to allow near simultaneous regulatory submissions globally. She has experience leading large global biometrics organizations and has contributed to dozens of successful regulatory submissions in multiple jurisdictions.  Sylva received her Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the American University of Beirut, Master’s and Ph.D. in Statistics from Boston University and later a Master’s degree in Computer Science from New York University.

Dr. Paul Albert is a Senior Investigator and Chief of the Biostatistics Branch in the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics at the National Cancer Institute. He has had a nearly 30-year career at the National Institutes of Health serving in four Institutes in positions with increasing responsibility.  Dr.  Albert is an associate editor for leading biostatistics journals including Biometrics, Statistics in Medicine, and Statistics in the Biosciences. He is also an associate editor for the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Albert is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association. His methodological research interests are in the analysis of longitudinal data, biomarker data, and diagnostic testing. He has over 350 papers in leading statistics, medical, and epidemiologic journals.

Event Type


National Institute of Statistical Sciences


National Institute of Statistical Sciences


FREE! Supported by your affiliate fee.


Virtual Meet-up
United States
Moderator: Esra Kurum (University of California Riverside) Speakers: (left to right) Simone Gray (CDC), Sylva Collins (FDA) and Paul Albert (NIH).