NISS Awards Ceremony & Affiliate Luncheon Program

August 2, 2021 5 pm ET

[Please Note: These sessions have already occurred.  Go to either the Awards Ceremony News Story or the "Luncheon" News Story for these event to read about what happened.] 

NISS Awards Ceremony

NISS has three awards given each year, the Jerome Sacks Award recognizing sustained, high-quality cross-disciplinary research involving the statistical sciences, the Distinguished Service Award to recognize individuals who have given extraordinary service that significantly advances NISS and its mission, and the NISS Distinguished Alumni Award which recognizes former NISS postdocs or research associates who have gone on to have distinguished careers.

NISS Affiliate Luncheon Program

NISS Affiliates liaisons and representatives representing academia, industry and government institutions traditionally meet over lunch at JSM to catch up with one another and hear from speakers on a topic of current interest. Prospective affiliates members are also invited to learn about the NISS affiliate programs.  This year, since JSM is a virtual event, we are holding a combined virtual awards ceremony and luncheon.  

This year, the luncheon speakers featured will be Karen Kafadar, the 2019 ASA President from the University of Virginia.  Karen Kafadar initiated the ASA Task Force on Statistical Significance and Replicability during her presidential year, that was convened to address issues surrounding the use of p-values and statistical significance, as well as their connection to replicability.  Xuming He from the University of Michigan and Linda Young from NASS served as co-chairs of this Task Force will summarize the discussion leading to the final report, and invite other task force members to join the discussion. 

You need not be a member of a NISS Affiliate Institution to attend the event this year.  
Invite your colleagues!

Register for this Event using this EventBrite link! 


5:00 pm (ET)     

Welcome - Jim Rosenberger, Director (NISS and Penn State)
Brief review of recent NISS Affiliate activities 
Announcements of YouTube channel
Recognize NISS Affiliates - committee members, staff, etc

5:10 pm  Presentation of the NISS annual awards

Jerome Sacks Award for Outstanding Cross-Disciplinary Research
Distinguished Service Award
NISS Distinguished Alumni Award

5: 20 pm

Task Force Report on Statistical Significance and Replicability

Karen Kafadar  2019 ASA President, (University of Virginia)
Xuming He  Task Force Co-chair, (University of Michigan)
Linda Young Task Force Co-chair, (NASS)
Steven Stigler, (University of Chicago)
Nancy Reid, (University of Toronto)
Yoav Benjamini, (Tel Aviv University)
other Task Force members comments

5:45  pm        Open Q&A forum discussion 

Event Type


National Institute of Statistical Sciences


National Institute of Statistical Sciences


Free - you do not have to be a NISS Affiliate to attend. All are welcome.


Online Meeting and Program
Luncheon Speakers:  Karen Kafadar- 2019 ASA President, (University of Virginia), Xuming He - Task Force Co-chair, (University of Michigan), Linda Young - Task Force Co-chair, (NASS), Steven Stigler, (University of Chicago) and Nancy Reid (University of Toronto).